Bank Mode and multiple displays

I use multiple displays (2) When using bank mode I can not use second display it is greyed out. If I had some spreadsheet open on my second display and then open bank mode, the spreadsheet vanishes and all you see is a grey screen on second display. When you hit the switch back button on the first display then the spreadsheet re-appear’s on the second display but you have lost your bank mode. Is there any way of correcting this?

Bank mode is isolated from your system so there will always be some things that will not work in bank mode.
You also can’t take screenshots in bank mode because the bank mode screen is not visible to the system.

Hi stephenrose50,

As bob says, Bank Mode is isolated from your system, and whilst you have it open, you will not be able to see any applications/programs running outside of Bank Mode.

However, it is possible to open Excel (or other applications) from within Bank Mode. Please be aware that doing this will make Bank Mode less secure, as you will be running additional programs within the same virtualized environment.

To do this, you need to pin excel to the Bank Mode taskbar.

[ol]- Please find where your EXCEL.EXE file is located. The easiest way to do this is to start Excel, then open Task Manager, right-click on Excel > click “Open file location” to open the containing folder.

  • Then, please open Bank Mode, and click the “+” icon in the bottom left of your main screen (next to the “Switch Back” button).
  • This will open a File Explorer window. Please navigate to the Microsoft Office version folder in your program files, select the EXCEL.EXE file and click “Open” > click “Add” on the “Add Application” window that opens[/ol]

You can now launch Excel within Bank Mode by clicking the Excel icon in the bottom left, and open any files you need. Once open, you can drag the Excel window across to your second display (as you have it outside of Bank Mode). Please note, you cannot edit a file in Excel from within Bank Mode if you already the file open in Excel outside of Bank Mode (it will open in Read-only mode in this case).

My avast secure browser icon just disappeared from bank mode. When I click the add button it wants an *.exe file, but I can’t find the browser .exe file. What do I do?

The add button is to allow another program (.exe) to run inside of Bank Mode.

Did the icon just vanish? Or did someone delete it?

As bob3160 says, the Add button is for adding another program .exe shortcut inside ASB Bank Mode browser.

Why is my safe zone browser starting to hang up on the gray screen? I can open it ok after I boot up the computer in the morning but it’s getting to the point that if I close it, it won’t open back up unless I reboot the computer. It’s getting to be a PITA.

Is it possible [if it becomes necessary] to re-install without losing anything?

At this late stage, you should have had your Avast Safe Zone Browser automatically replaced by Avast Secure Browser. Avast Safe Zone Browser is obsolete, out-of-date and insecure to use, and not supported by Avast. About two years ago. Grey screen I assume is Avast Bank Mode?

Suggest backing up/saving your bookmarks. What Avast antivirus version and build number do you have?

My error. The bank mode is the part that’s sometimes hanging up on the gray screen. Or it’s just really really slow, not sure which. It usually opens to a gray, then black screen and then to the desired window in bank mode. The safe zone browser works fine. Have Avast Internet security 19.5.2378 build 19.5.4444.506

As already stated, SafeZone browser is no longer supported.
Please remove that product and download and install the Secure Browser [b][/b]
More information,

I already have the Avast Secure Browser however, the first entry in my address book is safe zone and that is what I have been using to access bank mode. Should I be accessing bank mode through the security and privacy center instead? Is the bank mode the same regardless of whether I access it through safe zone or security and activity center?

I recall going through this issue with one of the support staff since some obviously financial sites like were auto-opening in bm while others like bank of america were not. So I always opened bm by opening the site. I do the lion’s share of work with sensitive data using bm. Another nice feature is that it keeps me logged into sites for a long time, like months and months. I was going to contact support, but decided to give this forum try. Thank you for responding.

There are many ways to reach Bank Mode. All of them wind up at the same place, → Bank Mode
Quite often when you visit a Bank site, you’ll get a popup suggesting to switch to Bank Mode.
You can switch manually via the Security and Privacy Center or, you can right click on the Avast system tray icon and select
Run Bank Mode.

No matter how you get there, it’s all the same Bank Mode.

Safe, secure and isolated from your system.

Thanks. I figured so but just wanted to be sure before I willy nilly deleted stuff that I might regret deleting. Did Secure Browser maintain a link to the old safe zone since the appearance in the menu bar is quite different from the rest of the items? Perhaps I should just delete the icon since I don’t see the old software listed in installed items.