Bank Mode Not Responsive After Win10 Update

Yesterday 01/25/2020 I went to use a computer with Win10 that I had not used in some time. During that time of use there was a major windows update which took overnight to complete. So today I open Avast secure browser and attempt to use it in bank mode. The button is active but doesn’t produce a response. How can I fix that?

Have you updated the Secure Browser?

It’s up to date. Uninstalled and re-installed the browser and rebooted. No help.

I had a bunch of bookmarks saved last night and all of those got wiped out with the update.

Clean install of the Secure Browser:
Maybe it’s time for a clean install of the Secure Browser
Download the installer from here,
Download the Secure Browser Removal tool from here,
Save your Bookmarks via the Book Marks Manager if you have custom bookmarks so you can import them when you re-install.
Uninstall Secure Browser via Programs and Features - Reboot
Run the removal tool, reboot, run the installer import your favorites if you saved them.
A video to help with the installation:
Report back if that’s solved the problem or not.
Avast has offered a seperate tool to totally remove the Secure Browser if the above instructions don’t work.
You can find that tool here,

That didn’t seem to help. The Win10 updates in question are related to version 1803. Was working fine before that.

Current updated version of Windows 10 is v1909

After this morning it said that Win10 is up to date. What is the sensitivity of bank mode to Windows version? Should it even matter?

Can you be more precise in the exact problem you’re having with Bank Mode?

I open Security and Privacy Center in Avast Secure Browser. I click on the button to open bank mode. The button seems responsive, but bank mode won’t load. I will try later and give it more time, but the normal gray screen doesn’t even show.

Also I note that in task manager of the Win10 computer there are 3 Avast services that are stopped. I don’t know if the update was responsible for stopping those. I assume I would need to start those through startup.

Current installed version of Win10 on that computer is 1803, but now in the process of updating to v1909.

Do all that and bank mode still won’t open. Stealth window opens tho.

If you right click on the Avast system tray icon and select
Run Bank Mode, what happens?

There is no Avast icon in the system tray.

Hi, if you want to use Bank Mode, you need to install Avast AV.

It was working before the Windows upgrade/update and I didn’t uninstall any Avast products it so it should still be there. It simply does not respond and proceed to the gray screen when the bank mode is pressed in the security center.

Repair Avast:

  1. Control Panel → Add/Remove programs → Avast
  2. Click on ‘Repair’.
  3. Follow instructions.
  4. Reboot.

There is no standalone Avast in the installed programs; just separate entries for secure line VPN, internet security, cleanup premium and secure browser. Hence no option to repair Avast. No option to repair any of the 4 installed services. What is just Avast? What “Avast” would I repair?

Internet Security = Avast AV

Regardless, there is no repair option.

Select uninstall and you’ll see an option to repair.