Today opened ASB Bank Mode. Warning came up saying Avast AntiFingerprinting and Ad Block extensions removed as “dangerous” !
Never seen that before and not the result of an update to my knowledge. Why the sudden bomb warning re Avast’s own extensions?
Those two extensions are still listed and active in Normal Mode.
I can not confirm your experience :-\
Greetz, Red.
Hi, thanks for reaching us. Can you please send us screenshot how this warning of removal looks like? Also can you send yours diagnostic info from the secure://settings/help → Diagnostic Information, so we can try to replicate?
I am unable to replicate what I saw yesterday when opening Bank Mode, but the Anti-Fingerprinting extension is not now listed at all in Bank Mode, neither as available or disabled. AdBlock extenson is still there though.
@Jiří Malina. I have sent you a PM with my Diagnostics.
Bank mode for security reasons use different set of extensions including some of the internal ones. AFP is one of them. I will check what is the exact reason for disabling this one.
Can confirm. Exactly the same happened to me on the same day. And with me, the anti-fingerprinting extension has disappeared from Bank mode.
Too bad I didn’t take a picture of it.
Diagnostic info:
executable_path=C:\Program Files (x86)\AVAST Software\Browser\Application\AvastBrowser.exe
profile_path=C:\Users\Lukas\AppData\Local\AVAST Software\Browser\User Data\Default
os_version=Windows 10 v2004 (x64)
browser_version=91.0.10364.115 (Official Build (64-bit))
Channel: stable
OS language: nl-nl
Browser language: nl
Search Engine URL:{searchTerms}
Omaha version: 1.8.1065.0
Enabled extensions:
ahfgeienlihckogmohjhadlkjgocpleb : Web Store : 0.2
beghmmhchncjignfbfnemngnlnjdmbcb : Avast Bescherming tegen fingerprinting : 2.5.181
cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm : uBlock Origin : 1.35.2
dmfdacibleoapmpfdgonigdfinmekhgp : Avast SecureLine VPN :
ekmkelgimdicdgkflkakgmjcghgpdnji : Messaging :
jmpmfcjnflbcoidlgapblgpgbilinlem : PixelBlock : 2019.4.9
kdhipfbocahipinepiahppeionfbahlg : Avast Video’s downloaden : 2.5.149
kmediagceboldddnnajkcochbkfkedel : Avast Anti-Tracking :
kmendfapggjehodndflmmgagdbamhnfd : CryptoTokenExtension : 0.9.74
lhnnoklckomcfdlknmjaenoodlpfdclc : Avast Bank Mode :
mecokbmnofclapimmlnfegiohceoaocc : Avast Performance Manager : 1.2.220
mhjfbmdgcfjbbpaeojofohoefgiehjai : Chrome PDF Viewer : 1
nkeimhogjdpnpccoofpliimaahmaaome : Google Hangouts : 1.3.16
nmebbcjdbhgggcgohlnlgadkmjiedfbc : Avast Hack Check : 1.2.341
ooeobdingfeedklanlfcjhffgennflke : Avast Adblock : 2.6.130
pkedcjkdefgpdelpbcmbmeomcjbeemfm : Chrome Media Router : 9121.329.0.0
Disabled extensions:
I received the same error messages on my primary laptop a few days ago.
Today, July 6, I went on my older laptop. I had not updated Avast on it since April of 2021. When I did update Avast (the application and the virus definitions), I got the same errors in bank mode, again. So I think this bank mode error has to do with one of the recent updates to the Avast application (perhaps the June 15 one).
I also noticed some additional error messages in bank mode now, in addition to the one about “dangerous” fingerprint and anti-tracking extensions. It gives messages about being unable to update as well and how it failed to load properly.