How do I set Secure Browser to request a change to Bank Mode when I go to a banking site?
I’m not sure you can until Bank Mode function is fixed and you can enter and search ‘settings’
I’m looking for a setting in Secure Browser not in Bank Mode.
Bob. Try this:
Look towards the end under the title “Settings”.
Thanks, that’s the setting I was looking for.
It was already set but didn’t show the request to open in Bank Mode.
Guess the only thing to do now is wait till the Bank Mode problem in the last Avast update is fixed and see if
that will solve the problem. If not, I’ll need additional help to solve the problem.
you can following these steps, but the bank mode isn’t working since the last update, we wait for avast to do something about that… and nothing happened until now
Thanks but I don’t want to set an auto bank mode for a site.
Just want the notification to pop up when I visit the site.
Why do you want a notification? Have you already tested the bank mode before the problem with the update?
When you visit the site in question, there is no ambiguity, the notification is made because you will see the structure of the bank mode appear which is different from the browser avast secure browser and there’s a banner at the bottom that tells you you’re in bank mode that’s the notification even if it is not a popup.
Chris, you apparently aren’t understanding my question. Avast is already working on a fix.
I know very well that there is a problem with the bank mode and that avast is on it, I was the first one to highlight this problem.
Otherwise, I don’t understand your question or rather I don’t understand why you’re asking the question.
When the bank mode was working (and when it will work again), there was no need for notification, we switched to the clearly visible interface of the bank mode.
Now (with the problem unresolved by avast), why do you want a notification of the bank mode since this mode is unavailable?
The only (false) notification is the one of the screenshot given by luukjr here
False, because the site is not opened in the bank mode but only in the secure browser browser.
and apparently I’am not alone , neither schmidthouse, rocksteady nor izialixdiamand found your question very clear.
You only automatically switch to bank mode if that’s the setting you selected. I opted to be notified if I reached a banks website and that’s what’s not working
along with the Bank Mode problem also not opening the Secure Browser.
does it mean that all banks around the world should send avast a proof in their site code that they are a bank when a guy connects to it?
I know that there is information that is transmitted by all sites (bank or not) but I do not think that an unfailing international system of bank acknowledgement exists :-\
As already explained, this is what’s not functioning that prompted this topic,
see my screen
However, as I said earlier, avast only recognizes very few banks, my own bank is not recognized ,paypal either, which makes this feature (“Show Bank Mode notification prompt on banking websites”)very random and therefore almost useless, so it is better - since we normally know our own banks - to configure ASB to automatically open our bank in the dedicated mode.
Again, I posted this to get a feature that was working and now is not fixed.
I’m not interested in what you think I should do. That isn’t what this topic is all about.
Please let Avast answer this question once they have solved the problem.
Too bad for you
The feature still works (even with v19.8.2393), I am warned that I am on a bank site (some but not all as I said) and intend to use the bank mode (screenshoot) whether I am with the new version of the antivirus that causes a problem or with the old one (not yet updated on one of my computers).
The only difference is that in the first case if I accept the notification, the bank mode opens empty, in the second it opens right in the bank mode .
How do I set Secure Browser to request a change to Bank Mode when I go to a banking site?In my screenshoot (green button), Avast secure browser requests a change to bank mode ;) -> in french = "Ouvrir en mode bancaire" , in english = "open in bank mode" , this banner doesn't exist if I'm not on a bank website of course.
I'm not interested in what you think I should do. That isn't what this topic is all about.I never told you what you should do, I just explained facts, what's going on on my side. :)
The bank Mode problem has been fixed but, I’m still not being asked to change to Bank Mode when
opening a Banks website.
Avast has acknowledged the problem and is working on a fix.
I can confirm Bank Mode is now fixed. In my case just needed to do update of Avast Free and then Restart.
This topic has nothing to do with the inability of getting to Bank mode.