I have a “spare”, dying, laptop running XP Home Ed Version 2002 20GB 224 MB RAM (!) bought from Time Computers in England (do they still exist?). It is dying probably because of beer spillage some years ago – only half the keyboard functions, so I use the on-screen one. It still works, slowly, so I use it was a guinea-pig test bed as I enjoy mucking about with it because it can do no harm as long as it has no contact directly or indirectly with my normal laptop. I have done some “questionable” things with it in order to speed it up, such as using products recommended by the press such as Computer Welt (World) Turbo Tuner-XP and the like, using Defraggler, and CCleaner on the registry etc. It still limps along.
To the point:
I have been testing out running different free AV packages side by side, which as other posters will have found, made it run even slower, but not crash. I tested my favourites Avast alongside Avira. Avira immediately warned that Avast was causing this BDS/Backdoor.Gen2, marked “serious” threat. I removed Avast (which I use with Threatfire on my main system), and the threat disappeared.
Basically, I wonder whether the competition is trying to “smear” AVAST. MSE did something similar (I uninstalled that too).
Have any of you any reports of BDS/Backdoor.Gen2 ?
In this case i am pretty sure it is a false positive, one antivirus program is detecting the definition’s in the other
This is like to guard dogs protecting its territory and trying to kill each other
If you want a second opinion, use an online scanner