Benchmark your primary DNS server against Google DNS , OpenDNS and UltraDNS

I found a tool that can help you see how fast is your DNS server against Google Public DNS, OpenDNS or UltraDNS

Remember to run it on a wide range of domains (on the order of 5000 to 10000) to make sure your results are statistically significant.

DOWNLOAD it here

I ran a test and found out that my primary DNS server is 904% Faster than Google Public DNS

It might be becoz I live here in the UAE

My results showed Google to come out on to of the rest. :slight_smile:

My DNS was 89% faster than Ultra DNS and was actually the fastest. I am using Level 3’s DNS servers (, which have always been the fastest for me.


You must think about moving to Google but it would be better to stay with OpenDNS considering its features :wink:

Google DNS are and


Your DNS are the best ;D

I’m Testing Google’s service. :slight_smile: That’s not the same as thinking about moving to their service.

Hi folks,

Tested with Namebench and it actually said my present configuration is best, only have to add one tertiairy DNS server. I could consider because my present primairy DNS is 7% better as the others,
