Berners-Lee 'sorry' for slashes

Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the creator of the World Wide Web, has confessed that the // in a web address were actually “unnecessary”.

I think we can forgive him that little issue, not something I have given much thought ;D

When most people don’t even bother with it now, just typing in the www . unless the IP has to be http: // as there is no www . after it. Many browsers now do away with that also just typing in the domain will add the www . and in some cases it will also add the . com.

Write avast and press Ctrl + Enter then you get www and com (norwegian IE8 www and .no)

Same in firefox 3.5.3 you the full URL hxxp://

The same happens with Opera 10. :slight_smile:

That has always been the shortcut way of getting there in a hurry. :slight_smile:

Us old dogs know some old tricks. :wink:

Thankfully we still have the mental ablility to learn some new ones as well. 8)

Thankfully we still have the mental ablility to learn some new ones as well.
The real question is for how much longer ??? ??? ;D

who care these days about things like that?

at least I know by typing a word and press enter firefox itself redirect me to the site of it by searching it in google.

for example when I type avast and press enter, official site of avast load, and many more example, or when I type Avril Lavigne, home page of Avril Lavigne load. so, www and com and shortcuts such as ctrl+enter is not a problem anymore!

maybe it’s because I’ve Google Desktop installed in my computer… I’m not sure

so, www and com and shortcuts such as ctrl+enter is not a problem anymore!
When was shortcuts a problem?

typing “http://www” was not a problem in first days of it, after a while it get boring, so people just write www . xxxxx . com , it got boring after a while and it changed to xxxx and then ctrl+enter, now it’s just even type the name and hit enter…

also, about shortcuts it’s a problem for newbie users, also sometimes for expert users.
I was teaching computer to a lot of students for one year, half of them could not pass exams because they were forgetting keybaord shortcuts…

I agree “problem” was not a right word to explain what I mean. :-[

half of them could not pass exams because they were forgetting keybaord shortcuts...
Jeep, if you can't remember them, then they are a problem ;D

@ Omid Farhang
I guess having Google Desktop helps you remember where you live.

Typing avril lavigne in the address bar takes me to:

How to Use the Address Box With Shortcut Keys

Keyboard shortcuts for Windows

yeah, it seems Google had impact on my search.

take a look on YoKenny links, see how many shortcuts there are… it’s when shortcuts become a problem, me and you we are computer fans and remember everything about computer, but a normal user who use computer less than 2-3 hours in a week don’t like to spend time to remember all those shortcuts. I say this because I’ve seen “Many” people like what I am saying.

Don’t forget the Windows key shotcuts:

If one uses a system 2-3 hours a week then shortcuts won’t make a bit of difference as all they need to remember is where is the power on button is then how to get to the browser so my Home page showing.

What’s a Home page?
Do homeless people have Home pages?

In my above post, I was only agreeing that the method above my post works in Opera 10.

Actually, in Opera 10, just typing avast in the address bar & tapping the Enter key also takes me straight to the avast website. The preceding http:// and the .com are automatically added by the browser.