Latest version of PC Tools Firewall Plus seems starting a bit slower than before :-\
So im here asking you great team avast, what is your preference of the available Firewall’s to run with Avast?
What Firewall can ofer best performance or security together with Avast?
lol after searchign around, i gess PC Tools might be the best available yet… :
I surely wouldnt mind to go read on using a more advanced firewall like comodo,
but i need to buy glasses for my dear eyes yet, lol working on a comp everyday did hurt my eyes
I’m not found of PC TOOLS products, except for browser Defender web browser tool bar, they all slow or interfere with other programs. Like I uninstalled Threatfire because it interfered with starting of Sandboxie and in the past with some Firefox extensions. :-[
Have you tried this I have been testing this for a couple of weeks after DavidR always recommend it.
And i like it, it ask very few and easy questions,
i am normally a firewall hater and is satisfied with windows firewall because they tend to ask difficult questions
Remember my first firewall from Norman it would ask questions like " do you want 628 to access the internet " ??? so i say yes to every question