I was wondering ; after using the Comodo Internet Security Suite for some time , I got tired of all the bugs and the way It lagged my laptop and wifi , I started to use tp use the free version of avast home for a couple of days now , I must say I’m verry impressed the way it performs : fast scanning time , it doesen’t make my laptop crawl…In one word awsome!!! but I have a few questions for all of you. Wich is the best firewall to team avast up with ( free also ) there are so many to choose from…wich apps can I also use best for mantaining my laptop ( I am currently only using Ccleaner ) , like registry cleaner , registry defragmeter , junk cleaner and other optimalization tools…anybody got any suggestions?? thnx in advance!!!1
thnx paranoid for that quick answer!!! I shurely Can do a lot with that!!! Is it wise to use a "secure dns server application " like OpenDsn or clearcloud Dns ?? and something to protect the hostfiles?? is the sandbox of avast good enough , or is it wise to use another sandbox?? I have all settings of avast to high , are these the best settings for the programme , or not??
Also, i would highly recommend Secunia PSI. I am pretty sure i was being hacked recently through an unpatched program i didn’t realise was so outdated. I was having so many problems with my laptop but since fixing with Secunia no problems at all
I have avast internet security and I never use the sandbox, the only thing in AIS I use is the firewall. With AIS the sandbox is on-demand it also comes with an “auto-sandbox”. When the auto-sandbox kicks in it’s for a reason and you will be presented with a couple of choices. Check out the “help” section. For the average user avast free is plenty. As far as files go avast comes with a “file shield”, among other shields. One other thing check out all the various users signatures for more direction. As far as settings go on the shields I have the sensitivity heuristics set to high, as I would rather get a false positive than let something through. On your scans I’d use the default settings until you get acquainted with the software.
Also never be afraid to ask for help.
thnx guys for all the help!!! @ justin , i ran a scan with psi like you told me and it came up with a couple of unpatched programmes , i updated them immediatly ;D…I verry happy with the responses I get here , I have good computer knowledge , but I’m very caucious ( I not sure if I wrote that the right way because I’m from holland ) In wich programms I Install , there is a lot of crap going on the www… Million thanks again for the kind help of yall ;D and I will try Mbam…
The default settings are the best balance of speed and protection and if your wanting to go the free route with avast free i would suggest online armor free which includes a hips and is extreemly simple to setup http://www.online-armor.com/downloads.php and malwarebytes free http://www.malwarebytes.org/.
Ccleaner should be fine for your registry and file cleaning, any deeper than ccleaner and you run the risk of messing up your system.
You dont say what your operating system is ?
All those products are fine for win7 64 also if you have java installed on your system you dont need PSI, just run the OSI from there website http://secunia.com/vulnerability_scanning/online/( saves having to install another program that burns up resources ) but if you dont want or have java then PSI is fine.