Linux is used by more supercomputers than any other OS
Supercomputing Freakonomics - Finding Meaning Beyond the Headlines
By jzemlin - June 24, 2011 - 7:19am
Twice a year, the Top500 Project publishes its list of the fastest supercomputers in the world. In the last announcement, we continue to see Linux dominating the list. This is nothing new since Linux has been dominating since the mid-2000s. In fact, Linux share in supercomputing looks a lot like Microsoft’s historical share of the desktop market. I thought it would be interesting to take a step back and look at the performance capability of these computers as a whole and also how the rise of Linux is mirroring the geographical expansion of supercomputers.
XP ? was good in past BUT now ITS Windows 7 you try you love it. Like me i do now.
Pretty light and fast for a OS and old pc can enjoy it its like feeling to got a CORE I7… If you dont feel that its either you that … lol ;D or its me that i did install great my Windows 7.
Vista is great also no problem, similar to Windows 7 just few changes
XP aint bad but if you can afford a new OS or want a new one then look my first word into up and you can choice a great one.
I have yet to be impressed by win7, yes there are some useful functions, but I wouldn’t call them crucial must have. But overall I still prefer XP Pro, I certainly have more control over it, that computer seems to belong to me and not the OS.
If you currently have Windows 7 on your system, you can always install XP on a seperate partition.
If you have XP, then unless you’re constantly using Win 7 elsewhere, you can’t really fairly judge.
There is always a learning curve. There certainly was such a learning curve when XP first came out.
It’s a shame I can’t afford W7 Boo. But Windows XP, after all these years, is doing just fine. (Apparently, it’s “death” will be in 2014 when Windows will no longer update it.)
But I know it as a lot of people I know have it. I also have Vista, but it’s really slow and “kind of” complicated…as in “the OS has a mind of its own and doesn’t belong to me…” that’s what I feel like anyway. But I must admit from what I see and experience that Windows 7 is really light and fast. Kind of better Vista. And the graphics are amazing.
People…if I remember correctly MicroSoft took the best of XP and the best of Vista and got rid of all the bad things of both and created Windows 7. So you get the best of both worlds.
Shame on me…I used to think Win7 was actually rubbish (British speaking person here ::)). Dunno why, I just felt it.
But I guess the more I use it somewhere, then the more interesting it seems.
Windows XP is actually more present in places like work, schools, and library computers, since it’s cheaper than Vista or Win7, but it’s still very popular.