Best operating system in your opinion?

For me, it will always be Windows for user interface and many other things ;D I grew up with it since I was a kid. So what there’s a lot of secrity holes? It’s not Windows’ fault if you get a virus.
And Macs are overpriced :frowning:

Mac i feel its scam but in another way its beautiful. But if you want to do everything you must choice Windows of course.

Agreed :smiley:

Windows 7 (currently) and Linux (Slackware or openSUSE).

Windows 7!!! ;D ;D

Windows 7. I don’t want to sound like a fanboy but Windows gets a bad rap. Yes it’s $200 for the cheapest non-OEM one, but assuming you used it for 4 years before upgrading to Windows 8, that’s only $50 a year. Also, almost all software works with Windows. Also better hardware support. I experimented with Linux and could not get a video card driver for my less than a year old video card. Yes I had a GUI always, but couldn’t enjoy my monitor’s full resolution. Also user-friendliness. MAC OS X is okay, but Linux again is horrible. The average user shouldn’t have to mess with the command line or have to search online just to get basic things to work. Lastly, I know how to fix Windows if something goes wrong, though not always. MAC or Linux, I’m screwed!

The best are the ones I have… I mean… Windows 7 and Ubuntu 11.04.
I could never put my hands on a Mac, I mean, all the times I need to replace my computer I receive another PC :slight_smile:

Windows 7.

Well, all I can say is that I know plenty of people with Windows 7 and it looks and works great…! :smiley: As for Linux, well, since nobody I met has/or even had this OS, it looks like I can’t say anything about it.

But for me, Windows XP is the best ^^ or maybe Vista, since my other laptop has it…?

Anyways, it’s Windows!

That’s my current setup at home, and I like both of them a lot. At the office, it’s been the Ubuntu LTS versions - Dapper, Hardy, and now Lucid. One of our kids is a Apple fan, and I use an iMac when I visit. It’s a nice operating system, and the hardware is beautiful, but, I wouldn’t have any interest living in Steve Jobs’ walled garden, so, Microsoft and Linux are enough for me.

Windows 7 most of the time. Google’s Chrome OS some of the time when I’m using the cr-48. :slight_smile:

I heard it’s coming VERY soon to England…need to check it out 8)

I would say, Windows 7 for me. I never really liked XP, not sure why…
I find myself throwing windows about trying to get them to maximise on every machine I use…it’s become second nature almost.

There are some things that I do like about other OSes though, having used linux a little, and a mac even less.

In linux, I like the way the scrolling works. (whatever window you hover over can be scrolled, active or not)
In mac, I like the way that some of the F buttons have clever features (like show all windows etc), and putting the mouse in one corner of the screen can invoke an action…

Just little things that are well thought out, that make an impression when you use them, and there are probably apps that can emulate the same, but never really looked…

I love Linux Mint.
But I have to use windows for testing my developing applications that occurs on linux.

i didnt like windows when they cut dos out of the picture but i dunno im liking windows 7 and the only apple OS i liked was from an apple//c

I guess you can’t really argue over opinions…heh. I never knew so many Avast users even have Linux or are familiar with it!

In addition to XP I also like Windows Vista, Windows ME and down. (You know, the really old ones…probobaly cos they weren’t too complicated like now.) I think I used to have Windows 95 and 98 too (it was AGES ago, so I’m not really sure.) I think I sound like a real fan of Windows :wink: :smiley:

Mac OS X :slight_smile:
I can get anything done on my Mac that I can do on a Windows 7 Machine, without the headaches ;D

Probably because your Mac does Windows7 ;D ;D ;D

WithOUT the headache ;D
Actually I do have Vista Business Installed via BootCamp that has my work Applications on it.

Since it’s convenient, easy-to-use and stable, I like Windows 7 very much.