
This post is to detain users from dealing with website. I registered about 6 months ago after a friend of mine almost begged me. Almost instantly I noticed that something in this community is not as it should be - there are very knowledgeable and nice members, but they are a vast minority (drop in an ocean). would be a more accurate name for this website - various top members and website procedures seem to be all about spreading misinformation and bias. The whole forum is jam packed with “threat hunters” and “threat testers”, but they have very little to no knowledge about malware whatsoever. There is a dedicated section that presumably should put all product to a test, but everything about it is wrong.

Samples are only scripts, which are mainly targeted attacks. There is no evidence that such samples are prevalent enough in the wild and are worth even analysing/adding to definitions. Targeted attacks are usually not carried out against home users and corporations use a lot more than just an antivirus.

Samples are not pre-analysed and testers are not aware of their behaviour, neither they’ve been acquitted to the various products’ behaviour. Such testers are supposed to determine a solution’s effectiveness.

Samples are repetative and only test one infection vector, but there are many other.

Products are inconsistently tested and no usable conclusions can be drawn.

Now going to the mods, they are absolutely the worst, most incompetent and not less biased than the rest of the community. Comments seem to be selectively approved/deleted and inappropriate behaviour seems to be tolerated from some selected members. They are rude, unprofessional (if this can be called a profession) and with poor language and communication skills.

All in all, this community is just a waste of time, no value. I have deleted my account there now and feel a lot better. Discussion can be found here…

This website is damaging to users, as it’s jam-packed with misinformation and is damaging to antivirus products reputation, by presenting false facts over how “ineffective” they are. In reality samples are cherry-picked to be evasive, with low detection and that comes from the fact that not every sample under is really malicious or prevalent in the wild.

I personally advise users to avoid this website.

Interestingly, I can’t find McMcBrad’s reviews anymore, did they remove them…!? :o

He left because moderators /admins kept banning him for stupid things he was more knowledgeable then some of the admins. They are just all ban happy and do not know how to run a forum. Malwaretips is the only security forum in the community with lists of complaints for user debating security products. by the way norton now shows the site as suspicious. Someone from a popular av company left because they also saw how unprofessional the forum was run and how they treated users. Jack the site owner will put on the fake role of pretending that he actually cares while in the reality he just laughs behind your back. With many users now leaving and an individual from a popular av company left as well. Its now hard to deny what malwaretips is actually about. Bias behavior and if you do not agree with admins/moderators they ban you for drama. The rules do not apply to admins or moderators may i add.

This is how admins behave when it comes to regular users on malwaretips. jack is just as two-faced as spawn. If anyone else called an admin dumb they would be banned for drama. So do as I say. Not as I do i do. That’s what the staff goes by on this forum They should be flagged for ethical issues as this forum now matches that criteria.

Hi, I left because this community attempted to spread bias about Avast products (mainly, but not only). In their last instance in their testing hub (where literally everyone can be a hunter and tester) they tested AVG against malware I have been tracking for months - Aggah/Hagga’s malware. It seemed like they don’t understand how this malware works and claimed it was a miss, when it was blocked by Web Shield, so I explained the sample and product behaviour. At that point one of their members started to freak out, get hysterical and literally told me they don’t need my knowledge. So I decided to delete it all and don’t wish to be a part of that.
That reddit is mine actually.

I find this forum to be misleading to users and damaging to antivirus products reputation and I advise users not trust anything that has been posted on there.

Jack and spawn use to moderate a site called back in 2007-2008. They use to have a forum but not anymore. Long story short they had a moderator that was banning people because of views if you didn’t like Norton or Kaspersky you got banned on remove-malware. This was one of the reasons why jack created malwaretips. History is now repeating itself once again only worse!!! Now you got multiple ass hats banning users for no reason. Jack and spawn have now become an image of who this abusive person use to be but they are more “silent about it”. You would think even after all these years they would know better. If they took a good long look back at history. They would know that malwaretips is about to end up in the same boat. It’s funny how when jack built malwaretips he always said how he would let people voice opinions. Now malwaretips has turned into a censorship group which is quite surprising. Do I have you’re attention now jack and spawn? Because I’m willing to bet you know who I am now. Jack and spawn do both yourselves favors if you don’t give a shit about the forums anymore give it to someone who actually does. Because you both have done a horrible job it’s time to retire. If not someone will build a better one its not hard Considering you banned half the userbase. None of you learned from the past I’m very glad to tell this story so all the users know the truth. SHAME ON YOU JACK AND SPAWN FORMALLY KNOWN AS PRANYGTR AND SSD220 on remove-malware.

Is the Avast Support Forum really the place to air this grievance?