I installed AVAST 4 HOME this afternoon on my laptop. Everything was OK until I said YES CANCEL to Windows files.
Now I cannot do anything on my laptop.
I want to switch it on but NO WAY!
A kind of message appears asking me for a password (the login says ADMINISTRATEUR / I guess Administrator in English).
But I never NEVER had to put any in my computer…
I don’t know what to do.
I tried with the function F8 but it doesn’t work. I mean, the whole thing comes back to this password.
I don’t know if Im being clear.
I’ll write in French too… easier for me.
Please HELP!
J’ai un énorme problème.
J’ai installé AVAST 4 HOME cet après midi sur mon portable mais depuis impossible de me reconnecter à Windows.
Mm pas possible d’arriver sur mon bureau. L’ordi se bloque et me demande un mot de passe dans une fenêtre intitulée “ouverture de session windows”, l’utilisateur est “administrateur” et il faut que je mette un mot de passe mais je n’en ai jamais mis! et j’ai essayé plein de trucs (répéter admnistrateur, ne rien mettre, écrire 1234…) et RIEN NE MARCHE!
J’ai également essayé de résoudre le problème en activant avec F8 le mode sans échec mais je reviens tjs à cette fenêtre d’ouverture de session windows.
Aidez moi! J’ai un truc super important à rendre pour mardi et je suis dans la mouise!
Merci infiniment!
Hey there…
Thank you for your help…
Unfortunately, I do not understand everything you wrote…
Look, when I boot in Safe Mode, a message appears saying : opening of a windows session. there the username is automatically : administrator and I don’t know the password I have to put!
When I put nothing as a password, Ive got the normal message appearing that says something like “downloading of your personal parameters” and then “recording of your personal parameters” and eventually “disconnection”.
and the 1st message is appearing again (the windows session one)
do you see what I mean?
thank you so much for your help!
Do you have Windows CD?
Overinstallation can solve the problem and you won’t lose your programs, settings, data, files, etc.
Just choose ‘Repair’ installation of Windows and install ‘over’ the old installation.
Thank you very much.
The problem is I only have a “pirate” Windows CD here. Mine is in France and Im now living in Madrid.
Do you think it could work?