To-day I tried to restart the Vista acer laptop. Tried to repair the boot-up, did not work - said it repaired start-up. Found it would only work in SafeMode with networking. Avast in safemode has been disabled - the AAVM subsystem finds an RPC error - something about end-points etc.
I have no avast security on this computer - Windows Defender cannot be run 0x80100106ba error.
I took down one add-on in Firefox that has crashed twice on me. I want to be able to go back to normal mode. How? What was this viral attack or hardware playing out problems. Wait for your suggestions?
It was something in avast av that disabled my normal start-up routine in normal mode.
After is uninstalled all the problems had gone.
Wait for a word from what update this misery came and then try to reinstall avast.
Anyone else experienced similar hick-ups to-day?
Hope this is solved soon.
All is well. ;D Uninstalled avast! av and intsalled it a-new this mornig after a MBAM full scan. All shows green and all is playing.
Still haven’t a clue what gremlin ;D has run the program into the ground earlier so I could no longer start-up but only in Safe-Mode.
Sigh of relief, now all seems OK again. Also a nice feeling I was able to cure it myself.
Full scan OK. MBAM saw two PUPs that were cleansed. Have a good weekend, my avast! friend,
Con Dios, pozdrawiam, vriendelijke groeten, kind regards,
It was probably a corruption in the user.dat related to Avast which the removal cleared, or it may have been another programme. These type of errors are very problematical to solve
Yes it gave me some creepy hours. First tried to get back into normal start-up routine - fail after fail also on repairs.
Then finally found I could get into safe-mode. Uninstalled the latest two downloads I made myself. Just because I did not know what software hick-up could have caused this. Then I saw avast all red and disabled - and saw it reported it could not detect any end-ponts etc. Well as I reported. Uninstalled that avast installation and oh surprise, normal start-up routine came back up immediately. Now I downloaded MBAM and did a full scan and removed what it found of nn- malware. Left the computer running as a stability test. This morning installed avast! a-new. All playing well. As until now, puzzled as what brought this all about. But gave myself a pat on the back for solving this all on my own. ;D
My hunch is the computer shut down a bit too abruptly and that corrupted avast, but certainty I do not have, Anyway water under the bridge now!
The problem somehow returned after a couple of normal boots. I think it is in the closing routine that something goes wrong. avast av reported that I am unprotected and cannot do a scan. I get an error alert that no available endpoints are available, a RPC problem. How can I go back to standard values?
Somebody to help me here? It is very annoying.
Free. Problems with the endpoint mapper can be caused by; 1) incomplete software installation; 2) incomplete software uninstallation; 3) improperly deleted hardware drivers, and 4) improperly deleted software applications. I docoorupted file not know where the problems is, because I uninstalled that particular avast install and the acer Vista Home edition laptop still won’t start-up in normal mode. Essexboy said these corrupted file related issues can be a real pain in the neck.
Did all that uninstall of avast, fresh re-install and result was again the same: your computer is unprotected - the endpoint-mapper has no more endpoints available. What causes this darned error-message. And what is at the root of the fact I cannot get back into normal boot routine again.
With task manager I have available: csrss.exe, DANEcore-windows-x86-exe, explorer.exe, lsass.exe,
lsm.exe, not activer: services.exe, smss.exe, svchost.exe, system, unsecapp.exe, wininit.exe, winlogon.exe, wmgnsfg.exe.
Most RPC problems I’ve seen are caused, like you said above, corrupted software installation ( most of the time an AV ) and bad uninstall of another AV, so check out any old AV your laptop had. I had a user who found a couple of registry entries of McAfee eventhough he ran MCPR.exe. After he deleted the entries the alerts were gone and He was able to install Avast.
This was my third party scan comp. Sometimes one is
out of luck. Good I did it to further avast detection. I deserved better.
Try a restore disk on it and keep my fingers crossed it isn’t caused by hardware trouble.
Else gonna have find another lab settings comp :o
When you try to be good for good causes you sometimes get punished for your good deeds ;D
It is an executable for a DNSsEC checking add-on in firefox browser.
I just waiting for the verdict on that computer -either software corruption or hardware related?
Seems chkdisk also stopped at some harddisk corruption at 17% and does not check further on free sectors. :o
My bets arefor a driver incompatibility error, First time the uninstall of the av restored the start-up.
I guess the computer was not shutting down properly, also an instance of chrome.exe staid active in taskmanager,