For a few months now a favorite site I visit has been falsely labeled as containing malware. I got used to the inconvenience of bypassing the warning and going to the site anyway. This morning I made the mistake of clicking some sort of additional Avast security and now I can’t get to the site at all. I am also getting security warnings like there is no tomorrow for the bit torrents I had already downloaded. All I want to do is disable whatever Avast product I clicked on this morning. Since it was from Avast, which I trust, I didn’t bother to check it carefully.
It is in your best interest to have avast (and some volunteers in the forums) to analyse this so it can be corrected if it is an FP.
To do that obviously we need you to post the URL (just the domain name without the http www, etc.) so it can be checked. A screenshot of the avast alert window would be helpful.
The site is It is a legal music torrent site. I’d really like to disable whatever Avast it was that I clicked on this morning
I attached a screenshot
Sucuri >
Google >
The admin of that site akknowledge that there are serious security problems.
As for the security warnings appearing in all of your various browsers, these will remain until such time I ask Google for another review. I won't do that until I get the site properly cleaned and secured by an outside security firm - likely happening any time from Wednesday onwards this week. There's no point in asking for a review, Google passes the site OK and then a few days later the security warnings return.At this moment it would be really foolish to remove the ban for that site.
Thank you for the information
Eddy is right there and so we looked at some points where the website developer met yui code and VBulletin code trouble…
According to Google Safebrowsing this is a known PHISH. But phishtank does not alert as such.
Moreover website has problems with yui clientscript loader & problems with this
found JavaScript
error: undefined variable YAHOO
error: undefined variable YAHOO.util
error: line:1: SyntaxError: missing ; before statement:
error: line:1: var YAHOO.util = 1;
error: line:1: ....^
→ read:[undefined][undefined]
While all this is StreamLine dot Net related is not known to me. Their web rep is not that “glimmering” actually.