Blocking a port

I’m currently looking at Avast Enterprise as a replacement for a McAfee ePO system. So far in my trial, all the problems I have with McAfee don’t seem to exist in Avast, which I’m very pleased about. However, there seems to be one key feature missing. McAfee Enterprise has the ability to block outgoing communications on port 25 unless such connections come from a white-listed executable file. I can’t seem to find any equivalent feature in Avast Enterprise. Am I just out of luck here (i.e. no such feature exists in any form), or is there a different mentality with this product in regard to this functionality?

Also, I welcome comments from anyone who has switched from McAfee to Avast. Why did you switch, and what features in Avast do you find to be superior to McAfee? So far I find that it’s overall easier to setup and use, both on client and server side, it doesn’t bog down workstations’ performance nearly as bad (if at all), deployment is far easier and faster, etc. Also, the detection rates seem to be much better than McAfee, according to the reviews I’ve read. Any real-world info would be useful to me. Thanks.

Unbelievable. One week, over 100 thread views, and nobody cares enough to respond. Guess I’m looking elsewhere then.

Well people are probably curious but don’t use the ADNM product so can’t answer your question. So I don’t think it is a case they don’t care, just that they don’t know the answer.

In the conventional avast Home/Pro clients as far as I’m aware there is no port blocking function in the email scanners. I can’t obviously say that for the ADNM or Server editions of avast.

I think there isn’t such a feature. avast scans the communication through port 25 but does not use a whitelist afaik.

About McAfee comparison, well, I’ve used it a long time ago and not an enterprise version.

ivory, what you’re looking for is a typical feature of a firewall. Unfortunately, avast (at least for now) does not include a firewall, and as such, doesn’t have such a feature.


We swapped from Sophos to Avast 3 three years ago for similar reasons to yourself. We haven’t looked back since. We are renewing our license this year. ;D
The port 25 issue hasn’t been a problem for us. Our spam filter hasn’t yet detected any attempts at spoofing outgoing email, this is probably because Avast would catch any blighter before it had a chance to execute.