Since around begin this year I’ve been starting to get blue screens of death, I was abl to ignore them popping up sometimes, but now the frequency (excuse me for my English, it’s not my first language) of these blue screens is getting way too high. (once a day now, instead of once per 3 weeks.)
Pastebin to what WhoCrashed indicates:
Does anybody have any idea if I can fix this thing?
OS: Windows 7 (Professional) SP 1
Other/Past security software:
Avast (Surprize!)
SUPERAntiSpyware v5.7.1018 (Installed, Real-Time protection disabled)
Malwarebytes v1.75.0.1300 (Disabled)
AVG (Uninstalled incorrectly, right click gives the option to scan with AVG but there don’t seem to be any AVG files on my computer.)
Be Sure Too Check Once Uninstall is Complete:Device Manager>View>Show Hidden Devices
If there is anything related to Avast with a yellow triangle then uninstall it (highlight, right click) and reboot.
If the AVG cleaner and clean un/re-install of Avast does not work then run OTL and post log…one of the experts will look at it.
Go to this link and scroll down to the OTL instructions:
I know this link is a “virus” removal link but it also has instructions/download/how-to for OTL.
in fact bsod`s are so strange things… i think it is impossible for ordinary users to figure out what the exact reason. even if they would read logs and use utilities for that. maybe software, maybe hardware. who konows.
Thanks so much thekochs. I have just posted a new topic re BSOD error 50 and this looks like it will resolve things for me. Have been trying to find a way to open .dmp files so this looks like a lifesaver. Will let you know how it goes. Thanks again.
The post I referred to never made it for some reason so will post here since a BSOD issue. Blue screen viewer was great and enables me to attach results so that people with more knowledge than I can advise.
"Thanks to David R and Asyn for their comments in Avast Update 2013 topic.
XP Pro SP3 ZA. Updated Avast Free via GUI, previous version was 8...* and advised update would be to later version but not 2014.9.0.2013. On restart, BSOD, error 50, after log in and as desktop being populated. Restarted again, but same result. Start in safe mode and OK with avast reporting service not started. But this OK since in Safe. Noted that avast had upodated to 2014.9.0.2013. Removed Avast from start up and attempted normal start but same BSOD. Started in Safe again and used avast repair, CCleaner, MBAM but these all OK with no problems. Also noted that all system restore points had been removed. Restart normal and same BSOD. No new software or hardware involved.
This is third time this has happened with an attempted update and had to load back up image to resume normal operation with previous version of avast free. Previously had used avastclear to try to do clean instal instead of update but clearly some remnants of previous version still remained since it reported a) Unregistered but could not register, content unavailable 2) Registered but 0 days remaining.
Have always used avast free for many years and updates went OK on two other PCs, XP Pro and XP Home. Have a minidump of this last BSOD but so far have been unable to open dmp extension. Tried to load Windows debugging tool from SDK page on second PC but no success, suspect need NeT Framework 4 and I only have 3.5 to do this. Have attached minidump for your perusal but see that it is not one of allowed file types but will try anyway. Do not really want to go back to image again so would appreciate any help. PS As expected no upload of dmp file, pity. PPS Txt file of minidump from Bluescreenview attached now.