Boot Problems

I just installed home version Avast 4 on Windows XP machine. I also installed it on an older IBM Aptiva running Windows 98. The XP machine has been rock solid, but now I am having logon problems. When I power the machine up, I get to the user sign on screen. No matter which user I pick (there are 4 defined), it gives you the message “personal settings being loaded” and that is all it does. The Windows 98 machine comes up and is trying to load drives for Adaptec CD burner and just freezes at that point.

Anyone have any ideas or similar experiences?

Well the 98 machine finally came up. Not sure what happened, but power off and on, third time is the charm.

I thought I turned scan at boot off, but on XP machine, would boot time scan let you get to user signon, then cause enough slowdown to look like machine is hung? When the machine is at this point, cannot bring up task manager.

Do I understand it correctly that you have boot problems on both Win98 AND WinXP?

It seems like a collision with other software to me… Could you please specify what software do you have installed? The most important are the low-level utilities, as these are most prone to collisions with other programs.

So far, avast! has a known incompatibility with Norton Antivirus and/or Internet Security 2003.


Windows 98 machine seems to be working fine now. There have been other problems with this machine before, and I have not had a chance since it came up to see what may have been the problem.

Windows XP machine does have Norton installed, but it is not active. It was disable due to some unknown software inside Norton. Heard about your product (with many accolades) so installed and ran. After initial install, rebooted the machine as directed, ran virus scan and all ran fine. No viruses found. As far as I know, none of the children used this computer from Wednesday night when I did all of this, and Thursday night when I could bring it up.

That is the reason for my question. This is pretty much an out of the box Dell 8250, 256 meg, 30 gig hard drive, Windows XP Home, Norton (not running, but installed). All I did Wednesday night was Avast 4 install and virus scan.

If it is Norton 2003, I’d definitely attempt to uninstall it. The thing is, even if you disable the software, its drivers are being loaded at system startup and may be causing the problems…


I do not know how to get past the user sign on screen on XP, which is where is hangs. Since I have to sign on as one of the users, I am not sure how to proceed. She does not have a rescue disk created and I do not know much about XP. Do you know how I can get around the sign on screen? If I come up in safe mode, will that let me?


Yes, use the Safe mode.

I hate to be stupid, but how do I bring it up in safe mode? When it boots, I get an option F2 for setup and F12 for boot menu, letting me change drive read sequence. Not sure how to come up in safe mode, thought F2 was it.

No problem… :smiley:
I think it’s F8 - just keep pressing F8 and it should show you the start menu…

Thanks, it was F8, came up in safe mode, backed out Avast4, restarted in nromal mode and all seems ok. Not sure if I did something wrong during install, or if there is something flaky with computer. Will try reinstall and reconfigure and see if I can figure out any more details