boot scan question

Hi, this is my first post-I got a virus warning yesterday and place in chest as recommended. Was stated as 3 files infected by win32:Adware-gen(Adw). Did boot-scan today-results found infection in Information/restore(thought was same as yesterday) but shows different dll#-when ask what I wanted done, I chose to try to repair file-got error 42060(not repaired), then opted to move to chest, got error
0xc0000034 (object name not found) then I chose to exit at that point-should I have deleted? Thanks for your help!

The infection is stored in one of your System Restore points.
To fix this infection, you’ll need to turn off System Restore > Reboot > and then turn Sysyem Restore back on if you intend to use it.
You’ll find instructions here:

Welcome to the forum. :slight_smile:

Thanks Bob! After I posted, I went and checked the Chest again, and I found
that Avast has place the file in question, in the Chest after all! Thank goodness! :smiley: