Bought premium but cannot activate license. Any hints?

Hello to all,

I have recently bought (my previous license expired) a premium license for my mobile devices. For some reason i could not find the way to do it trough Google Play and i was recommended by customer support to do it trough an “avast” link that directed me to an online shop held by Digital River. Done and paid, i already have my license activation code.

Back to the app, pressed the “Go Premium” button and then the “I have a license” button that pops up a window warning that it will return to the main screen and ask me for the license code. It goes to the main screen but nothing else happens. In touch with customer support i have deleted cache, uninstalled and reinstalled everything but the problem persists.

Isn’t there a way to activate the license anywhere else? I did not find anything neither on Google Play nor at my account at avast.

Any hint appreciated.

I´ve got an HTC One, Android 4.4.3 recently updated.


:-X Solved. It is trough the “voucher” tab on the top right side of the purchase screen. A little bit confusing, anyway.

i dont see what you are talking about

Would like more info on this myself. Having similar issue with my Note4 and after having submitted 5-6 trouble tickets and only 3 of which showed up as received on my account profile, yet no one has gotten back to me. and I know customer service is 3rd party but come on we pay for services and cannot even talk to the company whom we pay for said service.
We are forced to speak with some guy/lady (who barely speaks English) who will be interrupting my dinner an hour later trying to get me to buy a ticket in the Nigerian Lottery or give up my social security number to verify I just won a billion dollars in Sri Lanka.
Really disappointed in Avast Customer service right now.