My original home avast! registration key expired today so I re-registered my avast! as required. When I was sent a new registration key, I inserted that new number into the License Key location and avast! accepted it. The problem is when I then tried to update my copy of avast!, a message popped up and stated that my brand new registration licence key had expired Wednesday, December 31, 1969.
What do I need to do to fix this problem. By the way, I am using XPME on this PC.
This date Wednesday, December 31, 1969 seems to be like a start date for say a bios failure or cmos battery low or dead and defaulting to the start date.
If either of these don’t resolve it, try a repair of avast. Add Remove programs, select ‘avast! Anti-Virus,’ click the Change/Remove button and scroll down to Repair, click next and follow. You need to be on-line to do this.
If that doesn’t work try, uninstall, reboot, install, reboot.
It would probably be best to download the latest version of avast and save it to your HDD, somewhere you can find it again. Use that when you reinstall.
Please, post the last 50-100 files of avast log files:
C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\DATA\log\Setup.log
or C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\Setup\setup.log
02.03.2007 04:17:34.000 1172827054 general Started: 02.03.2007, 04:17:34
02.03.2007 04:17:34.000 1172827054 general Running setup_av_pro-3ae (942)
02.03.2007 04:17:35.000 1172827055 system Operating system: WindowsXP ver 5.1, build 2600, sp 2.0 [Service Pack 2]
02.03.2007 04:17:35.000 1172827055 system Computer WinName: YOUR-55E5F9E3D2
02.03.2007 04:17:35.000 1172827055 system Windows Net User: SYSTEM
02.03.2007 04:17:35.000 1172827055 general Cmdline: /downloadpkgs /noreboot /updatenews /verysilent /nolog
02.03.2007 04:17:35.000 1172827055 general DldSrc set to inet
02.03.2007 04:17:35.000 1172827055 general Operation set to INST_OP_UPDATE_GET_PACKAGES
02.03.2007 04:17:35.000 1172827055 general Old version: 3ae (942)
02.03.2007 04:17:36.000 1172827056 general SGW32P::CheckIfInstalled set m_bAlreadyInstalled to 1
02.03.2007 04:17:36.000 1172827056 system Computer DnsName: your-55e5f9e3d2
02.03.2007 04:17:36.000 1172827056 system Computer Ip Addr:
02.03.2007 04:17:36.000 1172827056 internet SYNCER: Type: use IE settings
02.03.2007 04:17:36.000 1172827056 internet SYNCER: Auth: another authentication, use WinInet
02.03.2007 04:17:37.000 1172827057 package Part prg_av_pro-3ae is installed
02.03.2007 04:17:37.000 1172827057 package Part vps-71900 is installed
02.03.2007 04:17:37.000 1172827057 package Part news-4b is installed
02.03.2007 04:17:37.000 1172827057 package Part setup_av_pro-3ae is installed
02.03.2007 04:17:37.000 1172827057 general Old version: 3ae (942)
02.03.2007 04:17:59.000 1172827079 file SetExistingFilesBitmap: 937->145->145
02.03.2007 04:17:59.000 1172827079 general GUID: 798fc963-be4f-4d3b-896f-4274a6428a5d
02.03.2007 04:17:59.000 1172827079 general Server definition(s) loaded for ‘main’: 105 (maintenance:0)
02.03.2007 04:17:59.000 1172827079 general SelectCurrent: selected server ‘Download46 AVAST server’ from ‘main’
02.03.2007 04:17:59.000 1172827079 package GetPackages - set proxy for inet
02.03.2007 04:17:59.000 1172827079 internet SYNCER: Type: use IE settings
02.03.2007 04:17:59.000 1172827079 internet SYNCER: Auth: another authentication, use WinInet
02.03.2007 04:18:00.000 1172827080 general Used server:
02.03.2007 04:18:00.000 1172827080 general Server definition(s) loaded for ‘main’: 105 (maintenance:0)
02.03.2007 04:18:00.000 1172827080 general SelectCurrent: selected server ‘Download74 AVAST server’ from ‘main’
02.03.2007 04:18:00.000 1172827080 package GetPackages - set proxy for inet
02.03.2007 04:18:00.000 1172827080 internet SYNCER: Type: use IE settings
02.03.2007 04:18:00.000 1172827080 internet SYNCER: Auth: another authentication, use WinInet
02.03.2007 04:18:01.000 1172827081 general Used server:
02.03.2007 04:18:01.000 1172827081 general Used server:
02.03.2007 04:18:01.000 1172827081 general Invalid licence: 0x00000005
02.03.2007 04:18:01.000 1172827081 general Err:The license key for this product is invalid or expired.
License is valid until: Wednesday, December 31, 1969
Current date: Friday, March 02, 2007
02.03.2007 04:18:01.000 1172827081 package Transferred files: 3
02.03.2007 04:18:01.000 1172827081 package Transferred bytes: 30
02.03.2007 04:18:01.000 1172827081 package Transfer time: 1093 ms
02.03.2007 04:18:01.000 1172827081 internet Sending stats ‘’: 00000000 204
02.03.2007 04:18:01.000 1172827081 file NeedReboot=false
02.03.2007 04:18:01.000 1172827081 general Return code: 0x2000001A [The license key for this product is invalid or expired.
License is valid until: Wednesday, December 31, 1969
Current date: Friday, March 02, 2007]
02.03.2007 04:18:01.000 1172827081 general Stopped: 02.03.2007, 04:18:01
02.03.2007 04:18:07.000 1172827087 general Started: 02.03.2007, 04:18:07
02.03.2007 04:18:07.000 1172827087 general Running setup_av_pro-3ae (942)
02.03.2007 04:18:07.000 1172827087 system Operating system: WindowsXP ver 5.1, build 2600, sp 2.0 [Service Pack 2]
02.03.2007 04:18:07.000 1172827087 system Computer WinName: YOUR-55E5F9E3D2
02.03.2007 04:18:07.000 1172827087 system Windows Net User: SYSTEM
02.03.2007 04:18:07.000 1172827087 general Cmdline: /downloadpkgs /noreboot /updatevps /verysilent
02.03.2007 04:18:07.000 1172827087 general DldSrc set to inet
02.03.2007 04:18:07.000 1172827087 general Operation set to INST_OP_UPDATE_GET_PACKAGES
02.03.2007 04:18:07.000 1172827087 general Old version: 3ae (942)
02.03.2007 04:18:07.000 1172827087 general SGW32P::CheckIfInstalled set m_bAlreadyInstalled to 1
02.03.2007 04:18:07.000 1172827087 system Computer DnsName: your-55e5f9e3d2
02.03.2007 04:18:07.000 1172827087 system Computer Ip Addr:
02.03.2007 04:18:07.000 1172827087 internet SYNCER: Type: use IE settings
02.03.2007 04:18:07.000 1172827087 internet SYNCER: Auth: another authentication, use WinInet
02.03.2007 04:18:07.000 1172827087 package Part prg_av_pro-3ae is installed
02.03.2007 04:18:07.000 1172827087 package Part vps-71900 is installed
02.03.2007 04:18:07.000 1172827087 package Part news-4b is installed
02.03.2007 04:18:07.000 1172827087 package Part setup_av_pro-3ae is installed
02.03.2007 04:18:07.000 1172827087 general Old version: 3ae (942)
02.03.2007 04:18:07.000 1172827087 file SetExistingFilesBitmap: 937->145->145
02.03.2007 04:18:07.000 1172827087 general GUID: 798fc963-be4f-4d3b-896f-4274a6428a5d
02.03.2007 04:18:08.000 1172827088 general Server definition(s)
Can you register again (for free)?
Can you use copy & paste method to apply the key (take care to not copy the ‘last’ blank space at the end of the paragraph: copy only the key)?
Thank you. I found out what the problem was and fixed it. I HAD Spycatcher and it was also interfering with my VCOM SystemSuite 7 anti-virus and anti-spyware software. As a result, I removed Spycatcher and avast! works okay now as well as SystemSuite 7.
I figured it out. I have spycatcher running and it was blocking the update files. I don't know why it started doing this, I've been running spycatcher and avast together for quite a while now. Spycatcher was blocking "reccommended removal" from occurring which was associated with avast so I changed the setting to allow it to run and avast updated properly after that. Thanks for the tips, after trying to disable the firewall and nothing I thought of checking spycatcher to see if it had blocked anything associated with avast.
So same problem, interference from another security program, the main thing is it is now resolved.
Even though the two AVs appear to be working together, it isn’t recommended to have two resident antivirus programs installed on the same system, there is too much potential for them to conflict. This could leave your system less well protected rather than more protected.
It was your post that got me suspecting Spycatcher, but it was after my SystemSuite 7 firewall would not initiate this afternoon that I deleated Spycatcher and everything worked as it should. Thanks.
IM about about at wits end with trying to register avast Ive used it on my computer and my wifes and i just put it back on my wifes with no problem at all I’m running win xp 1 gig mem and 2396 proses Ive for two weeks to register avast but no matter how many times i register it will not send me a comformation address Ive tryed to even register under three email Addy’s took me forever to get in here i got registered through the avast!webforum and it give me a code but it don’t work says the code is invalid Ive installed and uninstalled three differant times if anyone knows whats wrong,your help- would really be great and thanks
What is the error message?
Is your system date/time correct?
Do you use copy & paste method?
Are you sure you do not include the ‘last blank space’ in the paragraph while copying & pasting?
hi tech I would have tryed to enter a code if i could get one delivered to my e_mail addy thats the problem Ive given three e_mail Addy’s trying to get the code Ive used avast before and i have it on my other two person computers ones my wifes and my daughters problem is i got here my time and date is right don’t know why i cant get a e_mail sent to me i hope you got some answers I’m fresh out Ive registered every way i can as a new user and as a registered user but it still will not send me a e_mail