Hi malware fighters,
As an introduction to this subject bertter read here: http://daringfireball.net/2004/06/broken_windows
Since this was written in 2004 very little has changed. Crapware and all nefarious things it brings “under the radar” is the risee of broken windows, and even the so-called experts can be found sometimes to sit there and cleanse his machine in awe for some considerable time or have to go back to a known to be clean point. Those that insist otherwise are thus not telling the truth, or like to call others loosers to feel better.
Why we have this situation, and in the near future it won’t go away? Well, - crapware has so many dark sites to go to and hide on a Windows system. It is not that Windows is an obscure system, it is because it is not consequently maintained.
For instance as it would be so that all programs that like to install need full rights, and no program could be installed without full rights, we had met zero tolerance against crapware and hidden dubious installs.
Example bugnosis can be installed without any rights on SafeXP without a hpps connection adding a toolbar. CC a cache cleaner, derived from a WinTool can not, because it needs additional rights to cleanse crap…
Very contradictary policy, better would be zero tolerance. Why did it take so long for IE to bring in a pop-up blocker? Why you cannot stop script running in IE7 in a similar fashion as with NoScript in the Mozilla browsers? Can anybody explain this. Silence…
So it is just as with educating children or dogs. When you do not allow them things and you are not consequent in this and allow them once in a while to bend the rules, they do not understand, no even worse they start to feel “unhappy” even. This is the way Windows is treating the normal user of the program, by consequently making omissions to the very rules they have set themselves, the system gets “broken” very easily that way. That is why we find recently that Vista is only slightly more secure as XP SP2 or in some respects there is merely no difference at all. In this way crapware will rule, botherds will flourish, spammers get rich, and profilers profit. Is this why we have this situation? Sometimes that thought flickers at the back of your mind, but then you think…
And we the poor users? “Zero tolerance?”, it makes me laugh.