what about this one polonus and how accurate is it ??? :
Ever wonder if your browser will pass the security test by ScanIt http://www.scanit.be/browser-security-test.html
You’ll pass if you’re patched or if your browser’s setting is secure or if your patches is not corrupted
i ran the all available tests on my three browsers(Avant,Opera & Firefox)and all three got the below results
The Browser Security Test is finished. Please find the results below:
High Risk Vulnerabilities 0
Medium Risk Vulnerabilities 0
Low Risk Vulnerabilities 0
Yes, I took that test several times and 0 high 0 medium and 0 low risk with Flock Sulfur and the security extensions. Funny was that the Browzar browser, a hopeless IE7 shell-end also had very good test results (failed only 1 with javascript installed). So take this Belgian scanner for what it is worth. Do you know that gnucitizen now now has a browser ports scanner that works without javascript and through CSS (which is becoming more and more unmanageable), and can read out your whole browser history through a neatly placed evil embedded string. So that is why I have stealther there, and clear history, cache, cookies etc. after every browser session. I also like the Jason’s. Recently a Dutchman playing in the URL browser also found some holes, the developers of the Mozilla browsers haven’t even thought about when coding, so no security there. Reason to have the Locationbar2 add-on. Better put a browser through a Fuzzer and analyse all script inside the browser folders if there is secure code inside. The malcreant can be rather innovative these days, and come up with real pieces of “creative art”.
thanks as always for the in-depth novel length reply my friend ;D
i’ll take chips and a bud with the sandwich please 8) http://www.browzar.com/ is this the one you are talking about ??? :
Yes, that is the scam that poses as a browser, but as you take it for what it is it is small enough to put on a USB stick and launch next to the Mozilla browser to cut and paste a link for rendering it like IE7 or use it as a viewer for the search results inside a browser of Telescope from Alkali Software: http://www.alkalisoftware.ca/Telesc.html