Browser won't load my bank's e-transfer page until I use Safezone browser.

I get rent via e-transfer. When I try to deposit the amount through e-transfer (via RBC Royal Bank), the page stops loading and Avast pops up asking me if I want to use Bank mode in Avast Safezone browser.
It happens multiple times until I give in and use the browser. Which makes the bank take notice. They have to ask me if it was really me who logged in, because I couldn’t answer my security questions because the page wouldn’t load.
I’ve been a loyal avast user for almost 10 years. I will swear by it, and I will use it with every single computer I buy. But if I don’t want to use a particular addon, I shouldn’t have to, especially if it blocks me from doing something I have to do routinely throughout the month.

Is there a way I can disable these notifications so this doesn’t happen again?