Browsers glitchy after installing AntiTrack and VPN

Hi there, my browsers (Firefox and Chrome) have been very glitchy after installing AntiTrack and VPN. It had been fine all this while with Cleanup Premium and Premium Security.
Most of the time, opening links will result in an error or page loaded in plain text, and will need a refresh to load the page properly. Also, many actions like submitting forms and generating special responses (i.e. Amazon’s security puzzle) will result in an endless loading screen that never works even after a whole night. Please advise how to fix this, or if you can’t fix it, can you please just pro-rate my subscription and transfer my balance into extending my Cleanup Premium and Premium Security?
This is causing serious inconveniences that are paralyzing my work.

Even the “I Agree” button on the Amazon T&C is taking forever to load.