BSOD netio.sys fixed by uninstalling Avast

Bought this Dell Precision T7500 used last year. Previous owner used Avast Free. I loaded and use Norton product. Had occasional problems with BSOD, dump called out netio.sys crash. Then a couple months ago, it became constant and repeatable every time I logged onto eBay. Googled causes and went through all the drivers, then noticed a incident where antivirus caused it. Turned off all Avast functions and haven’t had a BSOD since.

I am not content with simply stopping the problem. Is any one willing to explain why Avast, which I understand is a great product, should cause a BSOD in netio.sys?

I am sending the same request to Norton.

Respectfully, Frank

And what shows that it is avast and not remnants of Norton ?

First thing to do is remove both Norton and avast completely.
Next install the latest avast version.
Let us know if it solved the problem or not.

This forum section > Viruses and worms < is for posting malware and false positive problems and not program complaints

I appreciate the prompt reply and apologize for not having responded earlier.

As for the suggestion to uninstall Norton also and then reload Avast; I am not interested in embarking on a debugging regimen to get to ground truth. I went nearly a year since purchase with both products with only occasional BSOD events. Then in the holiday season, it became 100% predictable an repeatable that if I tried to log in to eBay, the computer would BSOD.

I went through all the infection routines, then updating every driver and software on the computer, but the problem continued. I noticed in one website the mention of anti-virus software and I uninstalled AVAST first since I have used Norton products for me and my family computers for a decade with no history of such crashes.

I have not had another single BSOD event since unistalling AVAST and it is now 25 Feb 17, 53 days since my post plus a few days before posting. That seems pretty solid evidence AVAST was the problem. I am reluctant to fully blame AVAST. I am retired and had some dealings with developing and fielding software in my career. We had some peculiar conflicts between software back in the day.

So, it may have been a conflict between AVAST and remnants of Norton, but that is why I joined the forum and entered the post. My problem is gone, and I am willing to read posts, but I am not ready to embark on a regimen of debugging. I was hoping someone had that already.

As for posting in the wrong thread, I apologize, these are my only two posts on the forum.

I still think AVAST is probably a great product. But my computer is working without any BSOD since uninstalling AVAST.

Thank you for your time,

