I have seen a few discussion on this in the forums but no resolution besides sending a support ticket that others say they never get a reply from. This is happening with me also with build 17.8.3705.249 (version 17.8.2318) The error starts with *** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for aswbidsdrivera.sys*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for aswbidsdrivera.sys Probably caused by : aswbidsdrivera.sys ( aswbidsdrivera+279b6 ). The file was last modified on Nov 10th but my crashes started before that on the 2nd. Does anyone from Avast know of an actual resolution? I seem to get the dump when using IExporer which is also in the dump file. The mini-dump file is attached. I’m a premier customer and would like a resolution. I also notice that one of the Avast digital certs is still using sha1.
Could you show some existing threads with the same issue?
If so, I’ll get it escalated to an Avast dev ASAP.
I added a screen shot of the others that posted the same or similar issue regarding that driver file.
According to the devs, this issue has been fixed in the internal builds and fix will go live with the release of v17.9.