BSOD Windows Server 2012R2 in aswMonFlt.sys

I installed Avast Business on my Windows 7 network a few weeks ago and finally got to doing Windows Server 2012R2 this week.

However every day since the install to Server, the server has hung overnight with no network or console response. I’ve had to power cycle to server to get it going again.

After checking the logs it shows a BSOD event occurred each time and the minidump points to the aswMonFlt.sys file.

I’ve stopped the Avast services in control panel and the problem has stopped but a program update is available and I am going to try again with the update after a reboot next week. I think it was running 2015.10.0.2504.

Checking all the forums I see a number of complaints with Windows 8.1 and Avast Free/Pro/Premier product which is supposedly fixed in version 2015.10.2.2218. With Server 2012R2 sharing the same Windows codebase as 8.1, I wonder if the Avast Business has the same issues, but it’s latest update is only 2015.10.0.2505?

Just wondering has anybody else experienced this problem with 8.1/2012R2?

For those interested, I rebooted last night after updating to 2015.10.2.2505 (which has included a new version of the aswMonFlt.sys file) and nearly a day without a blue screen :wink:

If you don’t hear from me again, it means I haven’t had the problem again and this fixed the issue.