Windows XP SP3. I have recently installed Avast 4.8.1356.
When booting I receive a bubble message concerning interpretation of the Avast Resident Protection colour scheme. How can I prevent this from appearing? After a week or s,o I think that I’ve grasped this information now.
The bubble appears in the bottom right corner, is sized about 4 inches by 1 inch, and has the heading ‘avast! Resident Protection’. It then explains ‘The blue avast! icon in the notification area of your desktop is used to report the status …’
No real problem - it disappears when the corner ‘X’ is clicked - but I don’t need it any more.
instead of clicking the, “x” click somewhere in the actual message. That should prevent it from appearing anymore. Same with the VRDB Generation if that shows up too.
I’m not sure what you mean by ‘sliding bubble thing’. The text content of the bubble which appears when the computer is booted, when the Avast! incon first appears next to the clock (bottom right of screen) is:
‘avast! Resident Protection. The blue avast! icon in the notification area of your desktop is used to report the status …’
Try clicking on the balloon itself and not the “X”
As stated in a previous message the balloon disappears wherever the bubble is clicked, but always returns on reboot. Uninstalling and reinstalling Avast makes no difference. The bubble opens as soon as the blue ball appears and before it starts spinning.
Moreover, does VRDB [ball with an “i”] balloon notification appear?
I don’t have a ball marked ‘i’, only a ball marked ‘a’.
So, there is a possibility that the balloon notification keeps appearing because its process is uncompleted yet since avast’s VRDB icon must speak for itself too. Try disabling VRDB or merging the VRDB icon and see if anything works.
I very much appreciate your extended effort to assist me. I have disabled the self defence module, but despite my folder option of ‘Show all hidden files…’ I cannot locate a avast4.ini file anywhere on the hard disk. Is this the cause of my problem?
I think I see daylight. Avast was installed on my new laptop from a CD-ROM (I am not always on line), and the avast4.ini file is on that CD-ROM but not the hard disk. When installing, I copied over my registration data but not the avast4.ini file.
Uninstalled Avast.
Copied setup program onto hard drive and installed from there.
Both blue balls appear successively with bubbles and are closed.
Laptop rebooted and problem solved.
Thanks Guys.
Do you mean you copy & paste the contents of avast folder from the CD to harddisk?
It will never work…
No, I installed from the installation program that I had downloaded onto my old desktop computer. Having changed my computer for a laptop Avast was then installed from my CD-ROM of backup files.