BUG? Avast slowly consumes all available disk space

Just started using avast since AVG went to crap. But I notice avast slowly consumes all disk space during scanning. This never happen before, so I remove avast and all is well. When I reinstall avast sure enough it consumes all disk space. I have 10GB free space, and I have to reboot to reclaim it. Any idea?


Which avast…??
Which version…??

This is something I’ve never seen before. How is it consuming disk space? Where is it storing the file(s) that are consuming the space? Use a program like Space Sniffer to find out where the disk space is going.

doesn’t make any sense, how could Avast fill up disk space ::slight_smile:

Which exact OS?

How much RAM?

Those 10GB of free space are part of the same partition where Avast is installed?

Those 10GB of free space are part of the same partition where Windows is installed?

Which is the total size of that partition?

Do you have additional partitions?

Just a guess, but…AVG remnants, maybe? Have you run their removal tool after you uninstalled it?

Could be reports, could be logs, could be something completely unrelated to avast!.. first it’s necessary to find out where the disk space is used, i.e. where the growing files are.
So I’d say we should wait for that information from the original poster.

Wow lots of questions. Here goes:
OS XP Pro SP 3
RAM: 1.5G
Yes the 10GB free is on C: (That should answer both questions)
Total part size:32GB
Yes I have other parts, but I dont see how that plays into anything
AVG is totally gone. Used to be real nice, now just as good as Norton.
I am running Space sniffer to see where its going, Ill let you know what I find. It could be a horrible coincidence and not avast.

Forgot avasty versions:

Using Free version
Program 6.0.1125
Defs 110702-0

  1. Ok.
  2. I doubt that this is related to avast…

The other partitions would had been relevant if you were not using C:.
Your RAM should be enough, so in theory the swap shouldn’t be the problem. You could check this by running some scan and simultaneously checking the page file size in Windows Task Manager (together with the RAM usage).

Although it shouldn’t be relevant to HDD free space, you could check if there are any “leftovers” of previous security tools. Anything using “too much” or unnecessary RAM, means other tools need to use the swap more (so, in a way, it could be related to free HDD space).

Try not using other nonessential software while you are running the scans, so to free RAM and swap space for the scan, and so your tests (task manager, RAM, swap, space sniffer…) about this issue can be easier.

Please report back any results.

Thank you for the helps. I had never heard of Space sniffer, what an incredibly helpful program. Using SS I found a log file to be the culprit. Turns out I installed Bootvis at the same time I installed avast, and MS Bootvis was causing the huge log files. Sorry to have pointed the finger at Avast, but thank you for the help.


You are welcome.

JFYI, some space analyzers (some have also portable freeware downloads):


-Sequoia (and SequoiaView)
-Treemap (java)
-DiskSpace Visualizer

-Scanner2 (Steffen Gerlach)
-X-Ray Lite


Just to mention a few :).