[BUG] Firewall not working properly on Chinese character'd programs

Since updated to Avast Premium Security, one of my programs does not run properly: it fails to access the Internet.
So I tried to configure Avast Firewall. But unfortunately, no matter how I “allow” its Internet access, the program always tells “web request out of time”.

Later I tried to rename the program to pure English name, then it works 100% of the time!

Please do fix the problem! People are using programs of different languages!

I forgot to tell my settings:
Firewall: default (Auto-decide)
Program version: 19.8.2393 (build 19.8.4793.544)

  • Which Avast…? (Free/Pro/IS/Premium)
  • OS…? (32/64 Bit…? - which SP/Build…?)
  • Other security related software installed…?

Avast Premium Security
OS: Win10 x64 10.0.17763
No other security related software installed.

Follow instructions: https://support.avast.com/article/33/ and post your File-ID here afterwards.


Thanks in advance!

I also quickly wrote a test program and upload the zip here: there are 2 exactly the same exe’s. The one with a Chinese name could not perform HTTP requests. (Strangely HTTPS works)

OK, I’ll forward it…

Hi JimmyZJX,

thanks for reporting the issue. Could you please specify the app’s name (the one that can not connect to the internet) so we can properly test it and fix it?

Thanks in advance,