Bug on scanning. Bar is 100% on starting scan?

I just reformat my other computer then install avast.

I try quick scan. I found a bug Scan bar is 100% on starting scan

I try uninstall it and also use uninstall utility boot from safe mode to completely deleted.

Install avast again still bar is 100% on starting scan.

Anyone has a solution?

Btw this is a fresh format. No security software installed except avast.

I tried it, and had similar, but not same issue…

First, bar says now 0%, but after scanning large archive / movie / sound / picture folder (it consumes about 20GB) bar says now 100%, but scan continues…
I don’t know how this percentage is calculated, but it seems skipped large files mislead calculation.

chubalz, don’t you have some large-size directory on your drive root?
And if so, what its name (mine is “Data” directory, maybe started more beginning letter)?

Similar issue with NON that I noticed a while ago but mine seems worse, if you initiate a context scan of a GB of RAR packed file then cancel it halfway finishing, you’ll notice a very high CPU usage of AvastSvc.exe and continually increasing 'til PC restarts.

Avast Team please fix the bug on scanning.

All my computer here is bug on scanning.

The bar automatically reach to 100% even when starting to scan. Ex: Quick scan.

Im using Avast free 5.0.462

Yes,same here,status bar goes to 100% about 5 seconds after start of either scan(quick or full) and stays that way for duration of scan.

nothing special here so far. I just always noticed that the progression bar always showed 100% when there was still about 10%/5% of files left to scan, nothing new. But the bar jumping quickly to 100%, no. This can normally only happen when something isn’t scanned (can’t be scanned for any reason).

I’ve noticed few things:

  • quick scan now takes ridiculously longer on same hardware (compared to 1 month ago or so)
  • progress bar jumps to 100% after few seconds of scanning and stays there, progress bar graphics are weird as well

Looks like some VPS update or the engine update along with it borked everything.


Its really bug.

Im using avast free for a year already.

If i click quick scan, full system scan or even manual scan on selected folder which is 30gigs… After 5 or 10sec it will automatically reach BAR 100%.

On Quick Scan After 5secs it reach 100% and the scan still continues to 5minutes on quick scan but the bar is already 100%. Then complete.

I dunno if its on a free version only but you can try it.

This is bug.

should be again related to OS, just did a full scan and quick scan, both with persistence cache (using and writing), times are as usual, progress bar behavior is normal. On the other hand, I scanned a big *.rar archive, no progress bar shown at all until the scan is over, not even a 100% one. I’m not surprised, although all files inside the archive are scanned (shown in the dialog box), it’s still interpreted somehow as just one file by Avast.

edit: OK I see some have this issue on Win7 too, but what can I say, I don’t have that bug. I’ll check later on another system that has the “free version” installed.

OK confirming there’s an issue with the free version. I did a quick scan on another system (W7 too), and there was no progress bar at all, not even a one hundred % bar when the scan completed, just before giving the result.

Ok. Tnx for the confirmation.

Actually this bug started on April 1 Asia time.

I noticed on April 2 when i try to quick scan on my fresh format computer.

I was shock only because only few reply to my post yesterday…

So i try to test my other computer but i got same all result.

I think Alwil Team still on Vacation :cry:

Yes, even the installation issues that other people are experiencing (repair does not work, firewall or ms outlook plugin does not activate).

is there any expected time period when this bug will be fixed? i have the same “jumping to 100%” scan bug with avast free on windows 7 x64 home premium.

Yes, sometimes the progress bar is acting here weird too, but I never had the “100%” issue as discriped here.

Greetz, Red.


I mean repair doesn’t fix the scan bug.

As we know ( from Peter Kurtin ) there is a new release planned for one of these days, but we don’t know exactly what will be fixed.

Greetz, Red.

Yes! Ive read that also from pk…

Its like they will release on Easter Sunday?

It seems to me that Alwil tends to do releases late on Saturday evening’s ( CET ), but your guess is as good as mine :wink:

Greetz, Red.

Same for me , as Logos says , the quick scan started and the progress bar stayed at 0% until the end , i’m on windows 7 .

Hi folks im using windows 7 home premium and noticed this happening to my avast 5.0.462 Pro…Jamp from 0% to 48% when i ran a full system scan and also the last two times its jamp straight to 100% when scan had just started, Its no big deal as it still scans fine so hopefully should be an easyish fix!!