[Bug Report] [Priority - Very Low] Pop-up Notification Missing background

Dear Avast,

I am unsure where bug reports go, so I’ll just post mine here.

I found a bug with the popup notification: if the background of the notification is white (can be achieved via opening a PDF document and then positioning the PDF document at the corner of the screen, not all the way, just sufficient so that a white area is presented at the Avast! popup notifications corner (default bottom right)).

Once such condition is present, when the popup finally … pops (jumps?) the popup will appear to be missing key areas of its background (looks really ugly in my opinion)

Tested on windows 8 64bit that runs Avast! Internet Security Suit (latest, 8.XX)

Impact: None - actual text is still readable.

Priority: Very Low.

Suggested solution: Add a check for if the background is white: display alternative background (black?), or reduce transparency of the background.