[BUG] Restoring files from my Chest Vault

Well, I’ve tried to restore a file and the Avast UI stopped responding. I’ve installed a program that I trust, since it’s on some download sites (softonic, tucows and so) and I did not see it has malware. to download and convert youtube videos. Avast detected an PUP a dll of that program, who manages the video downloads. I reported it as a false positive, added to exclusions list and I go to restore it. Windows 7 UAC ask me to give rights to VisthAux,exe to copy it since Program Files is protected. I press yes and the UI just stop working. If you need anything just ask. Thanks for all!

P.D. I use Avast 5 Free over Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bits. All updated to latest versions.

Should be fixed in the next program update.
(Btw, I’d say your exclusion setting is wrong, because the problem appears only when the restored file is still detected.)

Well I added clicking to the popup message that it appears. Also i enter into settings and I see the exception in the place that It should be. Well until its fixed Ill deactivate it. When it should be that program update more or less? Just to know if need to change temporally to another AV if the wait time for the program update is quite long.

I checked and I don’t see any problem with the adding of exclusions here… so I don’t know what could be the problem.
I think the update should be released in a week or two.

Thanks for the info! Well here I added the exclusion, it is show in the list but just that. Avast think about not having an exclusion list and reanalyze it and have it wrong detected again. Ill change avast while I wait for that update. Ill retry about exclusions when that update is released so I could restore it and try to know what is wrong =P I use restore for quarantine items sometimes when detects a No-DVD patch (since a company won’t give me a fix about the scratches on game DVD’s and not being able to play it I always use No-DVDs) so ll wait for that patch.

Try adding the exclusion to the System Shield also (not only to the general settings exclusions), but only if you are 100% certain the file is not some kind of malware or otherwise infected somehow.