
Ok, you can´t fix problems in one hour but the bug with hanging Win2000 after update in Avast 4 have been there many WEEKS now !

Inform at your “start-URL” that there is a big problem with Avast 4 and you working on it, more up to date information !!!


Obviously, we can only solve bugs that were reported to us.

You may be surprised, but there are computers running Win2K and avast4 that actually don’t have this problem.

This particular problem was reported to us about a week ago, and we’re working on it. That’s all I can say about it at the moment. :-[


Hi, YMF!
Is there a BIG problem if avast4 works fine in most W2K computers but have some problems with others? Avast4 home works fine in my two W2K Professional computers and I have also many friends using avast4 and W2K without any problems at all. We are all connected to Internet with fixed line. If you use dial-up connection, then maybe your problems are associated with it?

I believe that Avast development and support can fix your problem. Maybe this slogan I have heard many times may help them with their efforts:
We make miracles immediately, mission impossible takes a little bit more time… :slight_smile:


JS, thanks… :wink:

BTW, we found (and fixed) the problem. An update will be released later whis week, reflecting these changes (after we thoroughly test it)…
