Build 268 always asking for restart after DB update

Since installation of version 268, Avast 4 requests a restart of the computer after each db update.
Is this to reinstall new updated drivers? Upacking the db usually does not require a restart. A new bug perhaps? or normal?

Thanks ;D

Not normal ;D

Please have a look in the setup.log file, the reason for the reboot request should be noted there (the file will be probably pretty big so search from the bottom).



Examined the setup log. This is an excerpt from the reboot command line.

[system Reboot set by filRenameOnReboot(C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\Setup\reboot.txt,)
26.09.2003 10:05:36.000 1064585136 file MoveFileEx(C:\PROGRA~1\ALWILS~1\Avast4\Setup\reboot.txt, NULL)
26.09.2003 10:05:36.000 1064585136 file MoveFileEx(C:\WINDOWS\System32\MSV15.tmp, C:\WINDOWS\System32\MSVCI70.dll)
26.09.2003 10:05:36.000 1064585136 file MoveFileEx(C:\WINDOWS\System32\MSV16.tmp, C:\WINDOWS\System32\MSVCP70.dll)
26.09.2003 10:05:36.000 1064585136 general Stopped: 26.09.2003, 10:05:36]

The reboot is being called for by Avast itself. I do not see any other explanation as to why it wants it done. Can you?

Also, another curious behavior is when the blue update box comes up…
If I click on it to show the Update information, it doesn’t do anything but opens a window asking if I want to Restart.
I thought we had set the “blue box” to show the update information in the last build?


Because it tries to overwrite files MSVCI70.dll and MSVCP70.dll. It should be noted higher in the log, when the files are extracted from winsys-?.vpu

I don’t know why, you probably have lower versions of such dlls?


I do not see anything notable upper in the log. I only see that Avast is setting the registry and using shared dlls.
I can’t make sense out of the rest of it.

This computer is relatively new and should have the latest dlls.

I will have to wait until the next db update and see what happens.


Hey, kubecj
Is it posible that the push iAVS e-mail or the common e-mail notification of updates come with an information about the “required boot” or this behavior depends on each machine?
Lot of users are confused about the restart… :wink:

Nope. The reboot is called by the main installer process and because the reasons stated in the log.

Pushmails and such are just ‘triggers’ which tell installer to do something.

So, the best way is to send setup.ini and setup.log together with short desc to setup-support AT asw D0T cz


So, it depends on each machine I suppose…
But, just to make sure, I was not talking that the e-mail “ask” for reboot, just “mention” it… :wink:


It did it again! It’s making me crazy.

I will review the logs again to see if I can figure it out.



Ok. I will send the logs in to Avast.
It just did it again with the laterst db update which I have set to automatically download.


Ok guys… so you backtracked and fixed that one.
Now help me fix this one!

Thanks, as always.


Techie, could you send me an IM with your setup.log ?
I´ll try to analyse it and see what´s happening.
Btw, just the last part of the long setup.log, ok?
Vlk or Kubeck could help better in this subject.
Where are they in this sunny Saturday? ;D

I strongly believe the new update will solve this.
And it’s coming… soon ;D

Thank you for the kind offer to look at the logs.
VLK believes that the new update will fix the problem, so let’s see what happens.

If it doesn’t…then I will take you up on your offer.

VLK…I hope the new update takes care of a few problems.
anything on why the "blue"update box does not go to the summary screen anymore? You can IM me on this one since it is already a post elsewhere.

Thanks to both you guys.
techie :smiley:

Thanks Vlk and techie for posting…
The bug “remains” untill next update :cry: