Call in support!

I have used Avast for many years. I own a computer repair service and always use it on client PC’s and recommend it highly. I also
work full time for a large company and support thousands of our corp users and mom and pop shops who use our POS, To the users not in
our domain I always suggest Avast, so I just want you to realize this is not a request from a single user, which by no means is less significant.

I have clients, family members and store locations who purchase your AV. They install it then find out that it is crippled with regards to the firewall.
Only to be required to call in and then scared to death by a support agent who is telling them that they have all these problems with their PC. These
are deceptive tactics and are a low road to take when trying to sell your services. Let me say that I am their tech, I maintain their PC’s and have 25 years
experience working on computers. My family member was told that I did not know what I was doing with their PC. And that they could help them better if
they paid for the service. Now my sister in law has a paid version of avast on her PC that has the firewall crippled and the tech from your company told her that
if he was allowed to work on her PC for a fee he would activate her firewall! What kind of crap is this? Why the deceptive practices? Why are you dragging your
companies rep through the mud? And letting these indian support agents scare old folks and people that have no idea that you’re trying to scam them? Get your crap
straight or I am gonna find another AV to recommend.

One Pissed Off Customer! >:(

The 1-800 support you call is not Avast but a third party service. (I know it’s listed on their website.)
Something those of us on the Support Forum have been complaining about for a long time.
Free and helpful support can always be obtained on the Avast Support forum from many knowledgeable avast! users .
I have reported this to the Moderators and hope one of them will respond in this thread.

Thank you for the clarification. Why would they allow the phone number of a scam tactic company on their website? if not to only sell ad space. I hope that’s not the case.

Something Avast needs to answer. I’m a user of the product not an avast employee.

Good afternoon,

Thank you for your posting.

Please could I ask you to email me some further details of the examples you refer to? Ideally the email address and/or phone number used to call the service.
You mention in your posting about Indian agents, however we have no call centers located in Asia at all. That being said, what we have recently found (and are dealing with) is a spate of bogus companies paying for the top position on Google (and other search engines) posing as ‘official’ Avast support and offering nothing other than a paid service.

If you could please forward the examples to me personally: riley at avast dot com I will look into each example you give; if they genuinely have reached our support service then I will of course pull the call records and find out exactly what happened there.

Many thanks,
Adam Riley

I appreciate the reply, of course I have no records of these as I run a business and work on client computers onsite. But I do know they are going directly to what they think is
the Avast website and calling in from the number on the site. My sister n law did that several days ago. You can look her up by name or possible email. abisogno57 at gmail com
or Arlene Bisogno. Hopefully this helps. I usually tell folks to go directly to if they need to re register or upgrade. If they are doing a search and then choosing the top
choice then I wouldn’t know. I do know they are always indian and always try to scare them into purchasing the AV and service. I hope you can find more info by her name.


I suggest that you obfuscate your sister-in-laws email in the same way as Adam Riley has to prevent it from being harvested by a bot trawling for email addresses (this is a publicly available website).

I certainly will.

How does one do this obfuscate process please?

in Your forum profile settings

As I said in the same way as Adam Riley did, so it doesn’t look directly like an email and Milos (avast! Team) modified it for you abisogno57 at gmail com.

Not correct as the email address needing obfuscating was one in his post, not his profile settings. His email own address is hidden in his profile settings.