Can avast! 5 detect variants of Win32/Virut?

Win32/Virut is a Polimorphic virus and is one of the worst virus i had ever seen, it infects all the .EXE and .SCR files in a PC :o
If you infect your PC with this virus surely you will have to format your computer :cry:

Can avast avoid the infection of this virus?

If so, with what name detects it?

Thanks for your replies :wink:

W32:Vitro (Virut) virus removal

Virut and other File infectors - Throwing in the Towel?

Dealing with the dispicable Vitro / Virut (Win32.Virut) polymorphic virus

Yes it can :wink:

Thanks for your answers :smiley:


W32:Vitro (Virut) virus removal

I cannot see this site shows this:
ERROR: You Aren’t Autorized to see this article or this article doesn’t Exist

Wow :o
You risked your PC just to show me!
I’m Very surprised!! :smiley:

I got another question…

Win32:Vitro (Signature) Can detect several variants of this nasty?

Again, thanks for your replies ;D

@superhacker Wow You risked your PC just to show me! I'm Very surprised!!

I got another question…

Win32:Vitro (Signature) Can detect several variants of this nasty?

Again, thanks for your replies

you welcome i extract the virus from shVDB.7z to Desktop so there is not a lot of danger any i could handle it if i got infected by it ACCIDENTLY,Yes it can detect all of them,BUT i dont think it can repair a file infected with virut so Preventing better than Curing

Yes it can detect all of them,BUT i dont think it can repair a file infected with virut so Preventing better than Curing

Yes, always is better prevent than cure. :slight_smile:

I think that there’s no antivirus that can repair all the files corrupted by this virus ::slight_smile:
Maybe the one able to repair some files is Dr. Web CureIt

Thanks for your replie superhacker
you’re truly a Malware Fighter.

I will be here reading the posts of how clean malware too!

Greetings 8)

I don’t know why you got that error, I have just visited the link using firefox, see image. I don’t know if it uses or requires cookies, do you have them disabled ?

Hi DavidR

I have cookies enabled

Maybe is a regional problem. ::slight_smile:

the text before is shown in spanish

ERROR: No está autorizado para ver este artículo o artículo no existe.

Well, doesn’t matter, my question is solved

Thanks for all pondus, superhacker and DavidR


You’re welcome.

Yes, possibly regional as there is meant to be some sort of geo-detection, though I would have though it would be a different error, 404 page not found, etc. Then if there is no associated geo-location I would guess it would default to English.

well this is the text behind that link

avast Support Center

W32:Vitro (Virut) virus removal

Remove Win32: Vitro virus.

The Virut family of viruses uses polymorphism to hide from all anti-virus protection, it infects executable files. File infection makes it very hard to repair a system that has been infected. W32/Vitro injects code in running processes and hooks the following functions in ntdll.dll which transfers control to the virus every time any of these function calls are made.

* NtCreateFile
* NtCreateProcess
* NtCreateProcessEx
* NtOpenFile
* NtQueryInformationProcess

We would strongly recommend rebuilding the system from backups.

Windows can be rebuilt as described in the following link or failing this a format of the system will be required.

(source: polonus)

Ok, Very Well

Thanks Pondus

I don’t have any doubts now :wink:


some months ago my pc was also infected with win32:vitrob and win32:junkpoly,avast detects the infection(more than 50 infected files) in my system. I also found ‘loginue.exe’ file is also infected and avast was failed to clean the ‘loginue.exe’ file from further infection. Atlast i remove all virus from my system by Formatting it.

   it was very sad to see that avast fail to clean the files infected with win32:virut and its variants...  :(

Hi Dileep
I’m Really Sorry :frowning:

it was very sad to see that avast fail to clean the files infected with win32:virut and its variants...

It’s Almost impossible for any Antivirus clean the files infected by Win32:Virut, It’s really bad… :cry:

i think it will be possible in future… :wink: