From my understanding from what is currently known regarding the CS issue I take it that this also can happen to Avast Endpoint Security/Antivirus can it?
From the little information that is Avast presenting officially like here:
Something similar can happen for instance with a micro update so we could have such an outage with Avast AV for instance after a reboot, right?
And there is something else that needs to take into account: Cloud managed products are prone for bugs from within the cloud management itself!
I can quite remember an issue a few years ago where there was a bug in the hub that lead to constantly reboots for Avast clients… That was quite an issue and I remember very well how I got calls from customers asking what is happening.
Considering the fact that there is no ermergency contanct at Avast for partners like us I think Avast needs to check thier support policy and also if the way updates are distributed are still ok.