can avast!Free find all current viruses like MSE?HELP

I have done a complete scan with Avast! Free and it said my computer was clean. The reason I initiated the scan was because Internet Security Essentials popped up and told me I have 22 critical to high risk viruses. I also have Malwebyte’s Anti-malware running for almost 3 hours now and so far it has detected nothing. Who do I trust? Is Internet Security Essentials just trying to get me to buy their service which is required for them to fix/remove these viruses. Please help, I am not very virus savvy ???

since you are running to AV programs at the same time ( avast and MSE ) it is a high risk that this is just False Positive detection

Running two AV can create all kind of mysterious windows errors and false positive detections

Never install two antivirus (see reply from quietman7)

Uninstalling third-party antivirus software (Removing your Current AV)

Who do I trust? Is Internet Security Essentials just trying to get me to buy their service which is required for them to fix/remove these viruses. Please help, I am not very virus savvy
MSE is free and will remove anything it finds for free.....unless you are infected with a Fake/Rogue MSE program?

MSE popped up first thats why i ran the Avast scan, should i be running the Malwarebytes antivirus at the same time as Avast, which is what i did. Malware is still scanning tho

Never start/run several scanners at the same time, only run one by one and only install one AV
you can have avast and malwarebytes or MSE and Malwarebytes

sorry about so many posts, never been on a forum. Anyway, which anti-virus programs should I keep, AV,Malwarebytes, or MSE?

well…you are in avast forum now, so if you should guess my answer…it would be…

Keep avast and free Mbam.

Do you have Microsoft Security Essentials or Internet Security Essentials or Webroot Internet Security Essentials?
MSE is a free program just like Avast free it wouldn’t ask you to buy it.
I use Avast free and Malwarebyte’s Anti-Malware.
Malwarebyte’s Anti-Malware is not a anti-virus program.
Use should only run one anti-virus program on your computer at a time


There is no conflict having Avast and MBAM (Malwarebytes) on your machine at the same time.

There IS a problem having Avast and MSE (or any other antivirus software) on your machine at the same time.

As stated earlier, MBAM (Malwarebytes) is not an AV, so it is safe to run with an antivirus on your machine. Since Avast and MBAM run very well together, many of us here use both of them.

To uninstall MSE:, then reboot your machine.

You may also want to use a cleaner like CCleaner Slim version to help get rid of remnants of MSE.

After rebooting, if you continue having problem, try an Avast Repair:

  • Go to Control Panel > Add/Remove programs > Avast Antivirus.
  • Scroll down and choose Repair function in the pop-up window.
  • Reboot.

I would also do an MBAM scan at this point and see if you are still infected after removing the second AV (antivirus). Please cut and paste your MBAM log into your next post.

It is possible that having the two AV software corrupted files, and if the Avast Repair does not work you may have to uninstall and do a clean install of Avast, but let us know if doing the above helps first and what, if any problems you are having with Avast; do not do this yet because you may not have to after following the above steps. If we’re lucky, you may have no problems and your machine will be working fine. :slight_smile: