Can avast! Online Security be disabled?

Internet Explorer has SmartScreen filter, Chrome has phishing and malware protection, then can avast! Online Security be disabled?

avast detects more than SmartScreen and phishing and malware protection from Chrome.
Can it be disabled? Sure
Is it smart to disable it? No by far.

I am afraid that I have to disagree with Eddy. AOS remains problematic with IE11, although much better in the 2016 release. IE11 has multiple layers of security that never existed before, and even without AOS, Avast still has Web Shield and File Shield to fall back on. Although useful to have, disabling AOS is not a “Not by far” situation. (And yes, I have AOS disabled)


avast! Online Security, SmartScreen filter, and phishing and malware protection, should I enable them all? Which one is less useful and thus can be disabled?

Gregg, there is avast 2014.9.0.2017

So what?

Well Eddy wasn’t directing it at you, but there is a new version in beta testing,

So if you or rather Gregg are up to some beta testing there may have been a change in the AOS plugin.

David… I have been a beta tester for more years than I care to recall, and sorry, but no, AOS with IE11 has not really changed in 2017. Even disabling it still results in slower page loading and some pages that do not load completely or do not load at all. The only “fix” is to uninstall AOS completely and rely on Web Shield and the security in IE11 Enhanced Protected Mode along with safe surfing for protection from the nasties out there. :slight_smile:


I have disabled AOS but not uninstalled it on my Chrome, the above results do not happen at my end. I seldom use IE.

The avast! online security extension/add on can be disabled. NOT any of the shields.

The AOS extension does not affect your protection since the Web Shield scans all HTTP traffic and does the malicious blocking.

I don’t want both “avast! Online Security” and “phishing and malware protection” running on my Chrome, I want either of them disabled, so I posted this topic.

So? Then, just out of curiousity, does anyone know why we have the AOS extensions then, considering the extensive problems they have created in the past and some remaining currently? If disabling AOS does not affect your protection, which is handled by Web Shield, why do we have AOS? Who benefits by it, if I don’t? And why should I bother installing it in the first place, if it does not add to my protection?


Help me - zapłaciłam za avast na konto podane w wyświetlającym sie oknie-komunikacie na mooim ekranie o programie chroniącym w promocyjnej cenie- i brak odpowiedzi
co mam zrobić dalej ???
nie wiem gdzie to wysłać - bo system całkowicie - obym się mylila zgubi,l możliwość normalnej rozmowy czlowieka z człowiekiem


GreggH, do you advise me to disable “Chrome phishing and malware protection” in favour of “avast! Online Security”?

livon, what language is it?