Can email Viruses be automatically deleted?

??? I’m getting viruses every day from email and Avast always prompts me what to do with it. Is there a way to automatically delete them? I went to the Internt Email section of the On-Access Scanner and I can’t find a feature like this.

If it’s a confirmed virus, delete it, don’t ask for a prompt since I may be away from the computer.


Enable Silent Mode and select general answer No. This will automatically send infected attachements to chest.

Personally I don’t use silent mode, because I want to know what is going on with my system. If someone is getting so many warnings of virus infection, infected emails, etc. that they become intrusive, then it is time to review their security practice - filter emails at source, delete from server rather than download them, etc.

I use MailWasher Pro to scan and delete from the server before downloading the remaining email with my email client. There is a freeware version of mailwasher which can be used on a single email account.