Can i delete Full system scan.txt?,its 4.1gb

Im trying to free a little space on my C: drive and noticed that Avast’s Full system scan.txt is something like 4.1gb and I was wondering if I can safely get rid of that.

You would have to first, disable the avast self-defence.

But me I would want to know why it has grown so large, mine is tiny (7kb) and I suspect that you have tweaked the Report settings, by including Soft errors and or OK items, Skipped items. The inclusion of these would greatly increase the generated data, see image.

In the avast Settings, Maintenance section I also limit the duration data is retained and reduce the maximum size of the log files and debug logging is unchecked by default.

Yep thats probably what did it,I had them all checked for the full system scan hoping to get more information from the scans but obviously not knowing that it would cause my log to grow so large.I probably did that soon after I installed avast.I got this pc intending to play games and I wanted to make sure It was totally free of viruses and the like so i had it set run a full scan 3 days a week,which,I realize is completely unnecessary now.

I cant remember exactly how long I had it set to keep the scan logs or what size it was set to but now its set to keep them for one day and the max size is set to 4096kb.Ill have to set that one down a little lower.

EDIT:yay,I have 4.1gb of extra space.

Thanks David!

Yes, you should only need the default settings unless you are particularly trying to debug a problem. Clearing old logs after 7 days also helps and reducing the max size to something more reasonable will reduce this greatly.

I run a Full scan once a week as you don’t need to go overboard as you have the resident shields to scan files that are accessed or run, etc. So any on-demand scan if for the most part scanning files that might otherwise be inert.

soft error is fine, the culprit is ok items :wink: