Can I disable that annoying WebRep popup?

I have found how to ENable it here but not how to disable it. I really hate that it pops up every time I do a search and I would really just like for it to go away.


If you want to be rid of WebRep entirely, start to uninstall Avast! but choose “change”, then un-tick the WebRep component.

As far as I know, it is not flexible beyond that, you can’t keep only part of it.

Ahh, thanks.

I’ll try that.

An unwanted outcome of simply uninstalling the WebRep plugin on one of my XP boxes running 6.0.1125 free was for the updater to be triggered & auto-download/update to the latest 6.0.1203. Never happened before.

Not really sure what it is you are asking/saying.

If you mean after an update to 6.0.1203 it installed the webrep again, that could be down to the avastUI, Additional Protection, WebRep ‘Automatically detect new browser installations’ option if it was left checked.

Well, so far so good.

I will watch when it updates next time.

Thanks again all.

It’s quite simple really. Select “change installed components” option from setup. De-select Web Rep plugin. The expectation is that only the Web Rep plugin will be uninstalled. Instead, avast.setup launches the auto-update process so on a machine running 6.0.1125 you get updated to 6.0.1203 whether you wanted it or not.

Well that has nothing to do with the WebRep as such that is a feature of the avast.setup if you use the change in add remove programs it also initiates a check for updates.

Had you simply uninstalled the WebRep from the avastUI, Additional Protection, WebRep and uninstall it from the browsers that is all that will be done, no update check.

Simply go to Additional Protection—hang on—WebRep is no longer listed under additional protection. What happened?

Thanks everybody, but the first reply actually worked. I now have Avast and not the annoying WebRep. I love Avast, but I really don’t want it popping up on my Google searches.

It is there on mine, I don’t know if you have previously uninstalled it as in the first reply above ?
Then I would say that the WebRep element wouldn’t be in the UI in the same way as any other uninstalled elements, like P2P and IM shields in my case.

No I never uninstalled it. I just didn’t install the plugins from the Additional Protection option. Actually , I did to try it and then uninstalled them again in Additional protection. I never touched the main program uninstaller. The option to reinstall them was still there but now WebRep isn’t even listed.

When I run the uninstall/change , it has a red X in WebRep Plugin. It did that by itself because I originally chose to install them. I never used it anyway and don’t intend to now, I just wanted to know why it would disappear by itself like that.

If it has the Red x in the add remove programs, change/remove, change then it has been uninstalled as a module (so no entry in the UI) not just uninstalled as an add-on in the avastUI for the browsers.

It was never uninstalled as a module but only through the UI as I said. It was showing a few days ago but now it’s gone. For some reason and by some mysterious means, the program has completely uninstalled it on it’s own.

Webrep is still installed on my version? ? ? ? ?

I have uninstalled/installed it for the browsers through the UI a few times and the WebRep tab in the Additional Protection has remained throughout. So I have no idea how this happened on your system.

I know, it remained on mine too until a few days ago when it disappeared and is now shown as not being installed at all.