Can I Keep 4.8 Home?

Okey-dokey, folks. I’ll apologize from the get-go, because I suspect this sounds really stupid.

Some of you may recall I had some monster troubles about a year ago or so because I had to rig a very strange arrangement on an old, old machine and the dreaded day has arrived – I need to renew the subscription.

So the question is as you see in the topic. Am I going to be able to renew the license for 4.8? Or will I have to figure out a way to update to 5.X before I can renew the license?

As always, I appreciate the help. And sorry for not being involved on the forum for so long.

Oh BOY! Now I really do feel stupid. Glad I apologized already!!

Just figured I’d give it a try and surprise, surprise I inserted the new license key without any problems.

But I might want to ask how long you Avast folks will keep providing the VPS updates for 4.8? (If that’s the right vocabulary.)

Guess I should have tried doing the new license key before I posted here, but I really was expecting a negative response. Then I thought it probably wouldn’t matter if I’d have to uninstall everything and start all over from square one for 5.X.

Hello ManyQs,

Welcome back.

Avast 5.0 has been out for a while. Although it had issues in the beginning, guys at avast have rectified them and we are almost close to a perfect version 5. I loved 4.8 much until I really switched to v5, although I did have a few installation issues. According to my knowledge, v4 will be supported until v5.1 is out. Dont ask me what is the actual date when 5.1 will be released, but there is actually a post regarding this in avast blog : . Keep track of it. I would suggest you upgrade to v5 now-better detection, look, interface etc… But if you wish to wait until v5.1 is released, its your wish.

Good day.

Thank you for the response, nmb.

My situation isn’t that I don’t want to upgrade to 5.0. I’m running that fine on another unit. My problem is that I’m using a unit (the one with 4.8.) that is shocking in its age and still running. And the installation of 4.8 last year was one heck of a nightmare, so I am just afraid that if I go for the upgrade I’ll stall and crash that old machine. As long as it’s still flying I think I’ll leave that problem until the very last minute.

But I sure do appreciate the information about the updates still coming along until the release of 5.1. Now I know I have a bit more time until I have to deal with that. Might even be by then that old machine will have retired itself.

Again, thanks for the feedback.

Rumors go from autumn to the end of 2010…

I love “Rumors”! That is a great album!!

Okay, just joking around and I know this is important stuff.

Thank you for the info, Asyn.

You’re welcome…!! :slight_smile: