Can I run, on XP, both Avast and SSM (System safety Monitor)?

If SSM and Avast can run together, which shields and settings should I disable in Avast? I presume anything dealing with behavior, but not sure exactly which settings. If there’s someone here still using SSM, it would be great to get a bit more guidance than I can think of. Obviously conflicts are of concern, but performance also counts.

Do you have a link to the programmes page so that we can check it out

Thank you, essexboy.
Bottom line first: probably it’s just not worth for you to install and do checking since there’s only a handful of people using SSM at this time, especially that XP-SP3 has to be used.

Perhaps someone who’s using it recently on XP could pitch in. I use SSM on and off for learning (great practice in denying :)), but at this time no AV running. Few years back I used it with Avira AV just fine. But AV products are getting more and more complicated, hence my query.

In case you want to look into it, few links.

Info from 2006 posts 11 and 12 :slight_smile:
However, as we know, SSM is closed down by now.

from 2010 a nice descritpion of the old HIPS in post#8

SSM is the classic HIPS program. Unfortunately, the site is no longer in existence and I don’t think there’s a way to download.
I have the installer for XP-SP3 since people who got a valued customer licence can use it. So I’m not sure how to handle it for you to check if you still want to. Perhaps by PM and I send you the installer and the license, somehow, nonpublic.

I have an XP vm so I can play with it there

@ cooby,
Hi, this does bring back some memories. :slight_smile: I do have a license key but not the full version installer. Will the free version convert to full with a valid key?
The free can be found at

Not sure it’ll be ok in VM and I hate to cause you extra work. Let me find out few things first, but don’t go away, please, 'cause testing by you in VM would be fantastic. I don’t have VM.

Check what version you have.
Free 2.0.585 will not work on XP-SP3. It’ll work on SP2.
Whether what you have will convert to paid, I doubt it, but don’t know.
The last official was 2.4.622, with “beta” in name which never got changed to non-beta. The product is not “beta” at all, is completely finished, just the name change never happened :frowning:
It was for this, last, version that Vitaly gave out the key to his users.
He couldn’t make any money on it. Too tough for most people.

hi cooby, i’m the one whos using all the time ssm on xp2, its best thing i ever saw … ofc i only have free version, and only cause of that i cant upgrade to sp3 ;
its discontinued, so could you help me with latest sp3 ?

i’l wait as long as needed, by checking ur answer at my mail

and answering to your question, im not the one whos using avast but im sure in past i used ssm + nod32, ssm + kaspersky, ssm + jetico firewall ; my conclusion after all practice - idont need any other software :slight_smile: to me it is enough ssm (but ofc to do so u must know exactly what an how to configure ssm)

So you’re ready to install XP-SP3? about time :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I used SSM with NOD32 and with Avira. But really, AV products are now so complex and deeper into the system that I’m not skilled enough to figure out what will or will not conflict. Even something like sbhips driver in the firewall I use will BSOD when I try to install Avast. So I disable the mini-hips and let Avast do its thing.
If you don’t use AV, then SSM will of course protect you well if you know what you’re doing :slight_smile:

YES, you alive !

idk why, but i cant write at PM, so my answer is yes - im ready for full package. Do you see my mail ? anyway it is: saulius20 a lycos com
And oh - TY for tips, im sure il handle it corectly :slight_smile: with care.

I know one thing this ssm is priceless. Its perfect as it is simple without heavy bloated useless stuff, and does job.

I think you have to post three times on this forum to be able to use PM. I hope I didn’t make it up :slight_smile:

There are a number of anti-spam measures for new members of the forum:

  1. you have to fill in the captcha for the first three posts.
  2. you can’t use the PM function until you are no longer a newbie (20 posts).
  3. some areas of your Profile information aren’t available until you have 20 posts.

Hi, are you asking for the last SSM full installer? I have it and will upload it to filedropper if you want it. :slight_smile:

I have the 2.4.622 with a key. About 5meg.
Just not sure what sau1ius 's status here is and whether to use email or post someplace, nor what he means by “could you help me with latest sp3 ?”. SP3 can be downloaded from Microsoft.

I don’t think you can convert the old free to the latest.
I wasn’t clear from your post#4 what version you have, nor is it clear from your previous post, though I suspect “last SSM full installer” refers to 2.4.622, correct?

Hi, yes version 2.4.622 is what I have. Actually I’ve had it all the time. ::slight_smile: The file has been buried deep in one of my external drives.


what i want is: a full latest ssm version with key ! :slight_smile: Is that possible ? I’m already upgraded my xp to sp3 - and ofc sp2 free-ssm version is gone (uncompatible),
so i’m actualy already checking my email :} for “the SSM 2.4.622 with a key”

make me happy :wink: !


Nice - it works, and i may say to me it is same as previous, more or less.

Thank You !! :slight_smile: