Can I use Avast for Business Free Cloud on my clients

Am I allowed to install Avast for Business (Cloud) on my clients using my account? This way I can keep track of my company as well as my clients. If not, what are the options/policies for doing something like this?


Not sure of the official stance, but think that many Service Providers would be using it in this way.

However, consider that if you part ways with a client, you would have to find some way to remove the installed agent or move them to their own account.

I guess the other issue is what is the stance charging fees??? I would assume I can’t charge my client for an Avast license because it is a free product. But I would think I can charge a fee for installing/managing/monitoring.

I just started testing it out in my own environment to see how well it works. My only complaint so far is that it seems slow to respond to changes made from the web control panel.

Exactly. You can charge for the premium upgrade (includes firewall, anti spam, etc) but not for the base product. Also for support/monitoring you can charge as well. Same as with Avast for EDU, product is free, resellers charge for support.