Can my ISP track my connctions to SecureLine VPN?

I know a VPN tunnel hides my identity from a website I access, but does it hide my web activity from my own service provider? I’m assuming that my ISP can see (and record and sell, if congress has anything to say about it) the information “metadata” about where I’ve browsed and what I’ve downloaded because my web requests have to go through my ISP before they reach the VPN tunnel. Is that accurate?


Yes it’s encrypted so your ISP will not know what you are doing.

So, your “Yes” is actually a “no?” You’re saying that my ISP can’t see the URL I’m accessing or the content my browser is requesting from it. Is that correct? So the VPN software on my computer is encrypting everything before it goes to my router and out to the ISP’s server?

It isn’t that I’m doing anything criminal online, but I dread the onslaught of ads - I already get a ton of them from Yahoo and a music BBS I regularly post to - that will result if Verizon (my ISP) is actually allowed to begin selling my “metadata” to commercial list brokers.


Sorry about that, I should have made it clearer. All your ISP will see is the IP of the VPN you are connected to, everything you then do with your browser is encrypted by your VPN. Your ISP can’t see what’s happening, whatever site you go to they will just see the VPN IP. Of course you’re then putting your trust in whatever VPN you are using. Secureline say they do not log data so hopefully they don’t keep information on their users.

I now turn on Avast SecureLine before I open any browser or do anything else on-line.
I also use the Avast SafeZone Browser when ever I do any shopping/banking.
It’s one little step to protect the privacy we no longer have. :frowning: