Can not access the store or Tools section in Avast Free version 2015

So I was trying to access the store, account section and the tools section in avast and I can not enter it. Avast tells me I am not connected to the internet. However, I can connect to my browser just fine. No changes have been made to my router settings and I am at a complete loss to the cause. Also, Avast no longer is protecting me over the internet. It only is protecting my PC. I am also having trouble updating the engine and definitions. It says it’s updated but it took less than 1ms to download the updates which shouldn’t happen. I’m not sure if the current definition is 150708-1.

Anyways Here is a picture. To show the message I’m having trouble with when connecting to the store or tools.

Welcome to the forum. You can’t update because you’re already up to date.
Have you tried signing into your account by going to ???
You may also want to try doing a repair of Avast.
Control Panel > Programs and Features > Select Avast then select Repair.
Reboot your system and see if that takes care of your problem. :slight_smile:

Well I tried running the repair and restarted the computer and it did not fix the problem I still can’t access the store, the account section or the tools section. It still says i’m disconnected from the internet. I can’t upgrade to a paid version even if i wanted to. The only way to upgrade would be going to the avast website. And yes I am signed into my account on

Store and accounts features require an internet connectivity to operate.

Tools feature is within the avast graphical user interface and should not be affected by internet availability.

What firewall are you currently using? Are you in a restricted access country?

Where did you get your copy of avast from? ??

I have the free version. I have internet connectivity, and I have no firewall running on my computer at the moment. Windows Firewall is on, but set to not block connectivity and the router firewall shoudl be open. I don’t have any restrictions in the area I live in the United States.

I am hesitant on uninstalling avast and installing it again because I don’t want to lose my exceptions list. I’ve also turned off malwarebytes as well.

I do know one thing. I did try out the internet security free trial, and then when the free trial ended about a month ago and my avast reverted back to the free version. it’s just recently i started having problems in avast. Avast also started blocking Dropbox which it didn’t used to in the past.

Suggest doing a clean install of avast free: Ensure your current version of avast free is running all active real-time scanners before venturing on the internet to get this file. If not, then use another system to download and transfer needed files to your system.

Use aswclear.exe to remove all left-over remnants of AIS trial version and avast free after uninstalling via programs and features: Note: Your system will restart in Safe Mode after doulble-clicking aswclear.exe if you click Yes; do your final cleaning operations only in Safe Mode. Ensure aswclear.exe is on your desktop. You may need to run the cleaner twice, first for AIS cleaning, then again for avast free version. You may find only one avast folder, but it is possible there are two of them. Hence, the two Safe Mode steps may be required. When running aswclear.exe navigate to Program Files if running Win 7 64-bit and Program Files (x86) and select Avast Software folder if they exist. Reboot when cleaning process is completed.

To find a second possible Avast Software folder open C: drive>Program Files>Avast Software or C: drive>Program Files (x86)>Avast Software before you begin.

Follow directions on aswclear.exe page exactly.

Unfortunately, allowing a trial or full paid version to expire sometimes will lead to issues such as this one. Norton and McAfee are notorious for this issue.

Running Windows Firewall is really all you need with avast free. As avast free does not have a built-in firewall, it cannot be blocking Dropbox. Likely the left over remnants from AIS trial which does have a firewall are the source of your issues.

You’ll need to register your fresh version of avast free when done.

Hi garion08,

it looks that your internet provider is blocking (or not resolving well) our servers.
Could you please try the following?

  1. go to command prompt (search for it in start menu, if you are not familiar with it)
  2. type: ping

After moment you should see a stats like Packets Sent = 4 , Received = 4 which is the OK state.

Please let me know also your country and your internet provider.

Thanks for help